Chapter 10 creek sings & poppy and the royals escape maybe?

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                                              * Back in the castle with creek and the royals*

 Hmm well if your not gonna believe the words i say maybe you'll believe what i'll sing- said creek * oh your the one the one the one who spreads positivity and kindness wherever you go ohhhh once you listen to the lyrics you'll believe me when i say this branch is no good for you your the one for me i know i'm the one for you just remember all the good times just you and i me and you it's like we were in looooove*song ends* hm? Well i'll give you some time alone to think it over my dearest poppy- said creek * barb shivers in disgust* sheesh that troll is pathetic right popsqueak- said/asks barb yeah... pathetic *sighs* alright.. Let's get out of here-said queen poppy *As she pulls a pair of scissors out of her hair and unlocks the lock* were free now way to go miss poppy now let's get out of here-said king trollex

* as the royals walk down a hallway creek spies on them through a magic crystal ball and laughs evilly.*

( A/n Was that a cliffhanger lol i remembered the word this time lol )

( do you ship clay and viva? comment what u think their ship name should be) 

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