Chapter 9 brozone,king peppy,viva and river (POV) singing

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* Back into the forest river is leading the group back to his original home while branch is keeping his suspension on high alert* * in everyone's minds but rivers they all start to sing in their minds** branches mind* high alert i need to be or else we might never see theme again ooh ooh ooh i gatta find her before it's too late**In king peppys mind* oooh ooh need to find them before its too late were in an unknown place with a stranger a stranger whose guiding us i need to find my sweet poppy**oooh my sister is in danger and were in an unknown unknown unknown place and were trusting a complete stranger*vivas mind** unknown unknown were in an unknown place following some random stranger ohohohoh trying to find my future sis in law oh**JDs mind**ohhh what a world we live in were going someplace unknown unknown and there will be trouble around every corner gotta be sharp gotta be prepared gotta help my baby brother**floyds mind** oooooh gotta keep a positive mind into the unknown gotta stay positive like poppy is*-clays mind** oh oh were in an unknown unknown unknown place we gotta find the royals or else were all doomed*-spruce(bruce) well are we there yet-asks an impatient branch about half an hour more. Don't worry branch we will save them-said river so branch you have a lot of explaining to do about this creek fellow-sad brozone except branch plus viva* As branch and king peppy explains about creek to branches brothers and viva river can't help but listen how horrible his brother is as the scenes fades into blackness*.

(A/n sorry this chapters so short during when i was making this chapter i lost internet and lost it so this is all i could remember) 

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