Chapter 23 #broppyWedding and ending

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* The next day everything was fixed and even more beautiful and everyone was attending the royal troll wedding again but this time no interruptions this time everyone was beginning to sit down as branch viva and his bros were at the area (where bridget mis maxin and gristle were idk what you call it tbh)

branch wasn't sweating he was excited way more excited than anyone else here* As queen poppy walked down the aisle every female begin to tear up at the beautiful scene* Do you branch take queen poppy to be your wife?-asks cloud guy i do-said branch and do you queen poppy to take branch to be your husband?-asks cloud guy I DO!-said a excited queen poppy than with the power in me i now pronounce you king and queen husband and wife you may kiss the bride-said cloud guy * as poppy and branch kiss everyone clapped and cheered for them* branch poppy come here please?-asks king peppy branch, do you promise to always keep trolls safe, put them first and always do your best as king?-asks king peppy i promise forever-said branch i now make you the new king of pop trolls-said king peppy* everyone cheered even louder than before* poppy i have another question for you, will you live with me in my bunker?-asks branch of course i will it will take sometime for me to clean out my pod and ya know make room but yes i will marry you**oh oh oh yeah hey every creature come and sing with us we are family family family yeah no ones ever left out hey we protect each other every day oh oh oh yeah family family family family rocks yeah the bad bad bad days days days are over over yeah yeah yeah* as they continue to sing branches brothers decide to help branch with helping him clear out his bunker so poppy can live with him while they can still live with their baby brother*As they fly on a rock bug to fly to their honeymoon as everyone waves to them goodbye they don't pay attention to the evilly shadow laugh that they all thought they defeated* one day when you have a child queen poppy i will come back** As the shadow troll laughs about his plan he disappears.*


                                                                THE END 

trolls 5 trollymas will be a special like the first two have been it will be coming as soon as possible. 

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