Chapter 20 creek wasn't evil after all + a new problem

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* back with creek laughing evilly. Then something crazy happens a black mist comes out from creeks body of a shape of a troll and cackles evilly** every troll in the cage widen their eyes in fear as creek grones and gains constance and widen his eyes in fear and backs away but bumps into the guards whose eyes were glowing red and the shadow troll turned his head to creek* ah creek you'll feel weak for a little while but thanks to you for submitting to me im now able to have a form and take over the world with queen poppy by my side-said the shadow troll what are you-asks branch i am the shadow i took over creek the moment he betrayed you oh he had so much guilt and sadness in him and he was desperate in making a deal but he never read the contract about the deal so i took over his body till my power came back and i could rule the word and of course marry poppy i mean who wouldn't wanna marry poppy-said the shadow troll hey only i can marry poppy no one else-said an angry branch ah branch i remember you well too bad because i'll marry her before you can think about doing anything-said the shadow troll i will not marry you we will defeat you and branch and i will get married-said queen poppy ha ohh that's cute real cute queen poppy oh guards take queen poppy to her new room a bride in a cage is bad luck-said the shadow troll* as the guards force queen poppy up stairs the other troll in the cage look at creek with glares as he's pushed into the cage* why does everyone want to marry my sister-asks viva your poppy's sister?-asks creek you have a lot to catch up on starting with i can't believe you would make a deal with a evil creature-said branch im sorry mate i really am all i wanted was to live back in pop village become friends again and marry poppy-said creek wait so you never were angry at me from the start?-asks river no brother not at all-said creek first we're gonna make a plan to rescue poppy and get out of here and get married then you are going to leave us alone forever and take your brother-said/demanded branch alright fine but river has to live in pop village-said creek we shall see but first we're gonna need to send a letter to trolls kingdom and ask for ever creatures help rescue poppy and get home and get married-said branch yeah alright let's do this woo hoo-said all the other captured trolls * as branch writes a letter and it to a good small creature and they head to troll's kingdom* alright creek river you will do as we say and maybe just maybe you'll be able to live in trolls kingdom * as branch picks the lock with a pair of scissors all the trolls sneak up stairs into the vents to make a plan to get poppy out of their and defeat the shadow troll but just ask they do that creek smiles nervously and goes to a different path and river eyes his brother suspiciously and follows.* as the scene fades into darkness*.

Alright BIG plot twist what you all think about that!? 😀

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