Chapter 21 Trolls kingdom (POV)

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* As the creatures living in trolls kingdom were showing the unposed guards what would happen if they lived in trolls kingdom everyone saw the creature with the letter** so hickory grabs the letter and reads it out aloud* Dear trolls kingdom the royals brozone are trapped in a castle in a cage against our will we need your help but be warned their is a shadow troll, we need some trolls to stay at trolls kingdom and keep the children safe and protect our home also keep the guards with you incase they arent possessed -branch*-said hickory oh no we need to help them and now-said every creature alright rock trolls techno trolls stay here your our best defense with the guards-said hickory wait we've decided we wanna be on your side the good side how can we help?-asks one of the guards you can help by staying here. You heard the letter if you come with us you'll be possessed so stay and help guard this place-said dickory will do thank you guys so much-said one of the guards your welcome. Alright let's go-said chaz*As the trolls took of to rescue the royals and brozone the rest of the creatures went straight to building defenses just in case. As the scene fades we hear the shadow troll laughing evilly to queen poppy.* 

Trolls 4 old friend or enemyWhere stories live. Discover now