Chapter 11 brozone,king peppy,viva POV and rivers betrayal?

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* They were getting super close to the castle they just had to camp for the night*

Okay suns setting so that means we gotta set up camp before it gets to dark-said river

What but were so close-said king peppy y-yes we are your majesty but continuing through the forest at night can be dangerous-said river * branch eyes river suspiciously since he sounded nervous but knocks it off* fine well camp here till its dawn then we get poppy and the royals back we never have to see creek or you again poppy and i will get married and everything will go back to normal-said branch * rivers eyes widened at branch he truly thought he would be able to live with the trolls in trolls kingdom but after night probably not.** scene fades into blackness*

( dun duun dunn whats gonna happen to brozone,king peppy and viva will river betray them or will he not. Sorry this chapter is so short btw*

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