Chapter 8 back with the captured royals and creep(POV) (sorry i mean creek)

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* meanwhile at the castle area where the thrones are the royals still in the cage and creek ordered his soldiers to get all the stuff creek and poppy used to do when they were trollings and the pictures of them* * Every royal was utterly confused by this pop stranger* popsqueak who is this weird troll-asks barb i could be asking you the same thing only poppy looks like a pop troll so what kind of creatures are you pretell-said/asks creek *sighs* creek there are different kinds of trolls-says queen poppy wow i'm so fascinated by that not! I don't care-said creek than why did you capture us to - asks delta dawn well i need witnesses of poppy and my wedding of course and since your "so called royals" one of you can be the priest and be our guests of course- said creek * the royals widen their eyes at what creek just said* * poppys POV what h-he never actually loved me but what about *sigh* oh branch where are you**barbs POV* wow this troll is so wimpy i feel sorry for popsqueak* but don't worry poppy as i said before those awful toxic sadness i said once has filled your brain that leads you to believe that you love branch-said creek i do love branch i used to with you but after you betrayed us that all went away-said queen poppy i only betrayed you so i could get away find a better home and besides that all was an act my sweet dear-creek was interrupted by queen poppy i am not your dearest i never will be- said queen poppy hm? Maybe you just need to hear this song and you'll change your mind- said creek ohh ohh yeah! Queen poppy you are the one the one the one that has the heart made of gold your your your the sweetest troll that ever lived you make every male troll fall in love with you but your mine mine mine mine mine mine mine yeah!*song finishes*-singed creek.* the scene fades into the forest.

(A/n so i kinda forgot to add some songs and did some not in order so thats my mistake)

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