A Mind Passed Along Pt. 1 (Extended)

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Miss Oda's POV

I can feel myself slipping, my sanity is wavering as I get closer and closer to his reckoning... my revenge.

~*Flashback Start*~

I remember that day. That cursed, retched day when I lost her my light, my Alisa

I am standing over a bed. One of the horrid hospital beds that do nothing to comfort the pain of the suffering. The bed is neither empty nor hopeful. Instead lying there with her face covered by a small white sheet is my only baby and joy. Sanity leaves me as I stare down and the bed in despair. My entire body shakes and I bring my thumb up to my lips. Biting down, my body continues to tremble and I remain oblivious to the blood that has begun to trickle down from my trapped finger.

What can I do? How can I survive this torment? I mulled over the answered for days until I remembered that I was a part of that other world. The world of Nabari. Dressed in a traditional Kimono I opened a box and pulled out the Iga's kinjutsu, the Izunashingan. Looking down at my cellphone, I am met with the glowing and happy eyes of Alisa as she poses on a swing.

"I promise you will be avenged..."

~*Flashback End*~

I snapped out of my flashback and peered around one of the stone supports looking for any signs of the enemy. Miharu, Monique, and I had moved to our position in the parking garage and now it was down to a waiting game. I smirked and turned around. Miharu and Monique were huddled up and sitting next to each other on one of those cement parking stops. I walked over and crouched down on Miharu's right side. As usual Monique starred off into space with an empty mind and Miharu looked troubled.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I looked into his distressed mind. I saw Monique's eyes shift over to my direction. "Let's see you are concerned because someone named Yoite is here, and for some reason you can't tell Kumohira."

He gasped and his eyes widened in shock, but his face quickly lost all emotion.

"I get it. You can read my mind, its annoying."

He grabbed one of Monique's hands and began playing with it, while I let out a small chuckle and sat down beside them.

"I'm sorry, but you keep everything to yourself. How else am I supposed to help you resolve this?" I responded lightly. "You certainly are an interesting one. Everyone around you likes you, and at the same time they find themselves burdened by your apathy and your refusal to show any true emotion."

He glanced away and his grip on Monique's hand tightened, "Is there a reason you won't stop talking?" You're like a nosy old lady, shut up already.

At that last comment I could feel the irritation bristle through my entire body, "I can still here you!!!"

I could have sworn I saw little devil wings and a tail as he turned around with a sweet smile, "I know you can," he chimed. "I totally meant for you to hear it, pretty funny huuuuhhh?"

I scoffed at the boy and looked away until I heard a small giggle. Snapping my head back up I watched as Miharu turned his full attention on the shorter blonde. She had one hand up close to her mouth and was laughing quietly. I watched as a small sincere smile settled itself on Miharu's face. So the boy can show emotion...

"Works everytime," he told her. Opening her sky blue eyes Monique nodded and giggled a little bit more as the small on Miharu's face grew.

I sighed and placed a hand to my forehead. "I must say I am surprised that a teenage boy has the power to shake me up. I thought I was in control here. I've never dealt with such a unique boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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