Raimei Arrives Pt. 4

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Miharu's POV

The ride was quiet. Mr. Kumohira was still passed out and Monique had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Koichi was listening to music and Raimei munched on some pocky sticks. I was reading a ninjutsu book, content with the silence until Raimei spoke up.

Man you guys are dull,” she said with a sigh. “It is like hanging out with a bunch of old men.”

Koichi just realized she was talking and looked up.

“Why don't we liven things up a little bit,” She said excitedly. “With a, a Bang! Oh yeah!”

Koichi took out his headphones, “Okay, How do we go about doing that?”

Raimei thought about it, “Let's see, uh... we could tell love stories.”

Koichi's eyes widened as he blushed and I just continued reading. Raimei's gaze dropped as she sweat-dropped.

Clearing his throat Koichi pushed up his glasses, “So tell me Raimei, is there anyone you are interested in?”

Monique fidgeted a little bit, and I picked her up and placed her in my lap. She immediately calmed down and slept peacefully. I smiled a bit, rested my head on hers, and continued to read.

Raimei turned away a little bit with a suggestive look, “Well I don't know. Why? You interested?”

Koichi got embarrassed and started to freak out, “NO! That's not what I meant by that I swear!” he exclaimed flailing his arms around. “It's just that you always seem so confident and you are such a go getter, I guess I can't help but admire you a little bit?”

“Aw thank you Koichi, That's really sweet, but I'm sorry. You're not really my type.”

“Oh, I see. That's okay, I kind of like someone else anyway.”

My ears perked up and I tightened my grip on Monique a little bit. He better not be suggesting what I think he is suggesting.

“Hmm,” Raimei mumbled. “I should have guessed that one, and I don't really see the point in asking Miharu about love and stuff since he probably wouldn't care.”

“I have a girlfriend,” I said without looking up from my book.

“EHHHHHHHHH,” They screeched. “Who? When? Wh-” They stopped mid sentence as their gazes switched between me and the girl sleeping in my arms.

Koichi's face dropped and Raimei stared in shock.

“I though you were like brother and sister or something. I mean I knew you were childhood friends and all, but I totally missed that,” Raimei stuttered.

“Since when?” Koichi mumbled.

“Since the day we were attacked by the Kairoshu in Banten,”

“Oh, I see.” Koichi mumbled.

I decided to break the awkward air by extending my book out to them. “Check it out. Is that Kotaru Fuuma?” The man in photo was surrounded by roses and looked ridiculous. He was turning his head to look over his shoulder and sported a creepy smile and wave.

“Yup, that's him. He is not only a great ninja, he's a writer on the side.” Raimei explained.

“Yeah, in fact, Kotaru Fuuma is a famous author. He has written most of the instructional ninjutsu books published in Nabari.” Koichi continued.

“Oh yeah?” I questioned uninterestedly.

“He's pretty popular, but it's kind of weird. Nobody knows if that is really what he looks like. You see transformation techniques are his specialty. Supposedly he has a different appearance here in the outside world. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that he works some amazing job like for the government or something like that.”

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