Surprise Attack Pt. 1

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 Monique's POV

A Fuuma ninja, a women, with black hair and a white kimono lay in front of us eyes closed in immense pain. She was covered in dirt, battered and bruised. Raimei ran up to her and picked up he head. What is going on here? How did she end up like this?

“Hello, can you hear me? I am a Fuuma too! What happened?”

We all ran up to them.

In a weak and broken voice the fallen ninja stuttered out, “Kai-Kairo-shou.. they-there”

Raimei leaned in closer, “Yeah?”

“There were five,” her eyes were closed and twitching with the effort and pain. “and we tried-we tried to stop them, but we couldn't. They all go in and one of them is a monster.”

Koichi gasped in disbelief, “what?”

“He's the one that dispelled the mist spell and he's the one-”

Mr. Kumohira removed his jacket and cut her off, “It's okay, just lie still. We'll take care of you.”

But, how? There is no damage to her clothing, but judging by the amount of blood those wounds are deep.

Mr. Kumohira looked like he was deep in thought as well as he rummaged through his suitcase.

Mr. Kumohira's POV

The ninja was deeply wounded and clinging to life. Her entire left forearm was missing and she was grunting and gasping for breath. I rummaged around in my suitcase searching for anything that could possible help her.

There is no damage to her clothing, but the wounds are deep. Could that mean? No! That's impossible.

I heard movement behind me and turned around in shock. The ninja weakly reached up and clutched Raimei's shoulder.

“P-please, prot-ect the book of forbidden techniques. Ple-ase, promise.”

Her eyes lost their light as she finally gave in to her pain and fatigue. Looking on in sadness all of us took a moment to let everything sink in. Pulling myself together I stood up and began to make my way towards the village with the others close behind.

???'s POV

An explosion went off in one of the temple buildings of the Fuuma village. The fire spread rapidly and soon the different rooms were engulfed in flames. A Fuuma ninja was shoved to the ground as a member of the Kairoshu held him down with a boot to the neck.

“It's too bad that you refuse to answer my question,” he spoke menacingly.

Another Fuuma ninja stood in fear. “Kairoshu.”

Two more Kairoshu ninja jumped into the room, one on either side of the man with the fallen Fuuma. They turned to the Fuuma ninja. “Looks like you get to answer our question now.”

He doesn't even know I am here. It is like I am invisible, like I don't even exist.

The Fuuma backed up in fear and I quickly dropped behind him shooting him with my technique in the process. Blood dripped from his nose and his eyes shot open wide before the Fuuma ninja slumped to the floor dead.

“What are you doing? We can't interrogate him if he's dead,” one of the Kairoshu addressed me angrily.

Silently I raised my hand and pointed towards them. Behind them a bookshelf moved and revealed a hidden passage.

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