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Third Person POV

Rain poured down and lightning struck but Thobari never slowed down. Mud splashed everywhere as he ran towards the clearing. The other shinobi were closing in. Thobari ran desperately trying to escape while keeping a tight hold onto the two small children. Clinging to his back was a young Miharu his eyes wide, innocent, and full of confusion. Miharu peered over Thobari's shoulder looking at the small girl lying motionless in his arms. A little Monique lay still, cradled in Thobari's left arm, with blood running down the side of her face from a blow to the forehead.

“Big Brother what is wrong with Momo-chan? Is she sleeping? What is wrong big brother Thobari?”

Finally breaking free from the line of trees Thobari finds himself surrounded by enemy ninjas. He looks around, evaluating the situation as the enemies draw their weapons. Crouching over, he let Miharu stand on the ground, hands Monique to him, and draws his weapon.

“I need you to take care of her Miharu.”

“What? What is going on? Big Brother why is Momo-chan so cold?!” Miharu cries as he hugs his dear friend close.

“Momo-chan, Momo-chan, wake up!” Miharu pleas, shaking the small girl as tears cascade down his small cheeks. Thobari visibly tenses and prepares for the enemy to make their move.

I am sorry Miharu, Monique”.

Tears well up in his eyes as he hears Miharu's cries. Thobari knows there is nothing he can do, Monique took the blow meant for Miharu and she won't be waking up anytime soo-. No! He shakes his head to clear the horrible thoughts away.

I have to be strong and protect them!”

Suddenly, the enemy ninja spring into action, running at them from all sides, but before they could land the first blow lightning strikes and Miharu feels something stir within himself. Power bursts from his young body, breaking up the Earth and encasing the enemy shinobi in tree roots.

No, it can't be activating. Not now!” Thobari thought in horror as he fearfully looks behind him.

Miharu was surrounded in an ominous red glow. Miharu had lost himself, when the ninja came at them. He realized that Monique was really hurt and could be dead. Monique couldn't die, he wanted to protect her, save her, he wished he could do something. Wide eyed and overwhelmed the power flooded his senses. Thobari watched as Miharu's grip on Monique tightened and tried to think of a plan. Kanji symbols streamed across Miharu's face swiftly until a beacon of light shot into the sky and the clouds began to swirl around it. A ghost like figure of a woman with white hair appeared and laughed ominously. Replacing the woman's face, there appeared another silhouette, but her face was shadowed and Miharu could not tell who it was. Reaching forward the woman ordered,

'Miharu, you have to forget!”

..and everything went black. 

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