Raimei Arrives Pt. 3

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Miharu's POV

The Village of the Fuuma? Why do we even have to go anywhere? After deciding where we needed to go Raimei had dragged Monique and I back to the school looking for Mr. Kumohira. She wanted to ask for permission for us to take a trip to this so called village and he did not take it nicely.

“Aw come on!” She whined. “We are just going to see the Fuuma.”

Mr. Kumohira grabbed my right wrist. “Sorry, but I don't want help from any clan outside of Banten. Got it?”

Raimei latched onto my left wrist and pulled, “Are you saying that you don't trust a member of the house of Shimizu?”

“Would you calm down little girl, that is not what I meant and you know it,” he shot back.

Koichi was panicking about them fighting over me and I glanced over at Monique. She was still out of it from earlier, but I could still see her worrying. Koichi must have noticed to because he tried to make her feel better. He moved close to her and tried to be comforting. It was a little to close for my liking, but I couldn't step in with these two clowns pulling on me.

“Monique?” I asked her quietly.

Looking up with wide does like eyes she sent me a questioning look, “Yes, Miharu? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Can you wrap your arms around my waist?”

“Sure?” Monique walked up to me and put her arms around me. “Okay, why did you want me to do this?”

I leaned my head against hers. “You are still upset about earlier and now I am making you worry about me because these two are pulling on my arms. You looked like you needed a hug, but I am kind of stuck so I had you come to me.”

Her grip tightened and she buried her face in my shoulder, “Thank you, Miharu.” Koichi sighed in defeat.

“Then it is okay for me to take Miharu to see Kotaru Fuuma?” Raimei interrogated. Don't I get any say in this? Koichi was starting to really freak out thinking that a fight was going to break out.

“Look,” Mr. Kumohira started. “I have no problem meeting with Kotaru or even asking him for help, but I do have a problem with Miharu leaving the safety of Banten's borders. I mean at least I feel like I can protect him here.”

I just yawned. This was getting ridiculous.

“Oh, you can protect him huh?” Raimei accused. “What about if the Kairoshu attack? There is no way you can take them all out.

Koichi then took it upon himself to inform Raimei of our previous encounter. “I hate to say it, but it has already happened. We were attacked by the Kairoshu a few days ago.”

Her eyes widened in shock, “What?! You see I told you! He is coming with me and besides there is no way he is ever going to find a way to seal the hijutsu hanging around with you guys in Banten.”

“Hey now that is harsh,” Mr. Kumohira defended.

Monique pressed her head against my chest and I sighed in irritation. She has always been uncomfortable with conflict and these guys were making her really uncomfortable. They better knock it off soon.

Raimei wagged her finger at Mr. Kumohira, “You've got nothing on Kotaru sensei. Trust me he knows everything there is to know about ninjutsu.”

“I'd have to agree,” Koichi sang, and Mr. Kumohira starred in disbelief.

“Don't you think that Miharu deserves to learn from the best?” Raimei stabbed. “ He can only so far if he studies with you and else you know.”

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