A Mind Made Up Pt. 2

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Monique's POV

                   The next day we were assembled at a bench outside of the school. Mr. Kumohira was lounging on the bench while Raimei was resting her back up against it with her knees pulled up to her chest.  Miharu and I were on the grounding playing with Shiratama and Koichi stood in front trying to address the group.

"Here's what we've found out about the other clans' books of forbidden techniques..." Koichi trailed off. "ARE YOU GUYS EVEN LISTENING?!?!?!"

"Of course we are," Mr. Kumohira mumbled. "Talking about sore muscles..."

"You've got it wrong sensei. I think it was wool underwear," Raimei argued.

Miharu leaned towards our cat cutely, "Flying squirrels."

I just ended up giggling in response. I thought Koichi was going to have smoke start coming out of his ears!

"What?! NO!" Koichi ranted. "You guys aren't making any sense! Dammit!!"

Mr. Kumohira's POV

                   I tried listening to Koichi's speech, but my mind was lost. I could not seem to keep my thoughts off of the two seemingly innocent children before me. Miharu, why are you trying to bear this burden alone? Miharu was making faces at the cat with Monique watching curiously. The cat almost seemed to grin before reaching out and resting a paw on Miharu's head. Monique's eyes lit up and her face held a gigantic smile. Miharu let out one of his rare smiles and gestured for her to try it. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she silently counted to three before making a surprised/excited face at the small feline. Within seconds the pet had sprung into her arms and was nestling her face and purring sending the two adolescents into a wave of laughter. Koichi and Raimei even began laughing as they watched the pair. It would be so much easier for all of us if you would just tell me what's on your mind.

                   "I'd have to agree. Everything's easier when you know what someone's thinking."

                   What the? I looked around for the source of the voice that was practically reading my thoughts and saw two people approaching us. The one who had spoken was a woman with navy hair that reached her lower back and the other was a man with mid-length brown hair the stuck out in some directions. Both were dressed professionally in suits.

                   "Good afternoon Mr. Kumohira," the woman addressed me. "Beautiful day today isn't it."

                   Koichi, Raimei, and I got up and stood defensively around Miharu and Monique.

                   "That's right," she continued. "Like you my associate and I are shinobi of the Nabari World."

                   Impossible! Don't tell me that she can- "Read minds? You got it," She taunted. "You've summed it up nicely. With her eyes shut she managed to navigate her way straight to Monique and Miharu.

                   "My, my, it seems that each of you is hiding a scandalous secret. One of you is composed and trying to keep his thoughts blank, meanwhile, another one of you is being crushed by animosity. " The mystery woman stops and tilts her head towards Monique, "Well almost all of you. This little one feels strangely empty."

                   Miharu steps between the lady and Monique, "Why don't you just back off?"

                   "Well, well, well, it's a pleasure to meet you Miharu Rokujo." She leaned in real close. "So your secret? You're dying to tell them about it aren't you, but you have to keep quiet." Miharu took a deep breath. "I see that you have some childhood memories that are hazy, and it seems that the part of your mind that establishes your sense of self is weak...-"

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