Duty Declared Pt. 3

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 Koichi's POV

I sat on my knees as Raimei and Saraba sparred. Raimei was using a wooden sword and Saraba wielded her hammer, broom thing. Raimei jumped up and swung, but Saraba blocked it. She issued a quick counter attack and the two went back and forth exchanging blows. They were at a stalemate, each trying to over power the other.

“Hmph not bad for a kid Raimei,” Saraba spoke down to her.

“Not bad yourself, for an old lady.”

Saraba's eyes widened, “What's that?!”

Forcibly she crashed her weapon down and Raimei jumped back shrieking.

“Who are you to call me an old ladyy...” she grumbled as Raimei laughed.

“Well yeah you are.”

I sweat-dropped. Whyyy mee?

Mr. Kumohira's POV

My head hurts, what ended up happening? I shakily opened my eyes only to stare up at an off white ceiling. A hospital? No, I was in an infirmary and my head pounded from that Kira user's attacks.

Where is everyone else? Are they okay?

My eyes shifted towards the side of my bed where I found myself staring at the backs of two heads. One was blonde and leaning on the other person's shoulder and the other had short messy black hair. Miharu? Monique? Miharu was reading a scroll and I felt myself sigh in relief.

“Miharu,” I started

He cut me off, but never looked back, “You okay?”

“Yeah, I guess Kotaru finally made it back huh?”

“He saved us.”

“What is today?” I questioned.

“Sunday afternoon, it's only been one day.”

“How are Koichi and Raimei?”

“They are fine.”

I looked back towards the ceiling and raised a hand over my face. It doesn't matter what I say now. If I can't protect them, then what's the use? I dropped the hand onto my face.

“I'm so sorry, I have failed you.”

“No,” Miharu stated firmly. He rolled up his scroll and turned around holding Monique in his lap like a baby. I could see now that she was sleeping. “ I am the one who failed.”

I looked up in shock.

“Mr. Kumohira you can't save someone if it means you are going to sacrifice yourself. We have to try and make it through this together! If we lose one of the team then we are all lost. Well that is what my grandma says anyway.”

He is more intelligent than I give him credit for. I was going to say something, but I saw sadness in Miharu's eyes and he hugged the girl tighter.

“We have already half lost one member already.”

“What?!?! Miharu what are you talking about?” I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Judging by his expression I knew he was talking about Monique, but I could see her sitting right there.

“She doesn't remember anything except for me. Not you, Raimei, Koichi, or Nabari. That Kira user, Yoite, he messed with her memories. He was probably trying to erase them all so she would join the Kairoshu.”

My eyes widened and I felt a lump build in my chest. Nothing? She doesn't remember anything? Miharu picked her up bridal style and began to walk out of the room.

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