A Mind Made Up Pt.1

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Third Person POV

                Within the city there is a tall office building with white walls and many windows. A substantial deal has just been made and it is time to inform the other employees.

                “Seriously? You mean it President?” A young man exclaims. He was carrying an armful books as he tried to keep up with the powerful woman in front of him. His brown hair jutted out in all different directions and his face had freckles sprinkled across the bridge of his nose. “That means…. You’re accepting the request?!? Are you sure?”

                The woman turned her head back to face him. His navy hair cascaded over her shoulder and her brown eyes held a mischievous glint. “I’d do anything for a budget the size of theirs.”

                The pair walked down the hall and stopped at a door with a sign saying Fog Blue on the door. The woman opened the door and walked in with a presence of power and authority.

                “Well, everyone, I need your attention,” she addressed the people in the room.

                “Oh, president,” a woman addressed from one of the cubicles.

                Another man with a bandage over one eye asked, “What’s up boss?”

                “Listen up. We’ve got a job and it’s not from the outside it is from the Nabari world this time, and the pay… one billion.”

                It took almost no time at all for the room to fill with excited murmurs.

                “Can you give us any details?” “So when do we start?”

                “I like your enthusiasm, but Kato and I will handle this.”

                “What?” the brown haired man exclaimed. “Just the two of us alone?”

                “Besides,” the President explains, “most of the work will be done by an organization I’m bringing in.”

                One of the women in the cubicles looked concerned, “You sure about Kato? Forgive me for saying so, but he’s still pretty new ma’am.”

                Kato held onto the books timidly, “You know, she’s right. You sure you really want to pick me?”

                “Of course,” she stated confidently.

                “What’s with this organization you’re bringing in?” the man with the bandage asked. “I thought that we were going to handle everything in house?”

                “I’m sorry, but I can’t really say anything else about it now,” she turned to Kato. “With that being said Kato, We’ll have to travel to meet up with said organization. You’d better go ahead and book two tickets for us.”

                “What?!!?” He panicked. “I don’t even know where we are going!”

                The company president walked over to the window and turned around with a mischievous look, “To the village of Banten….”

Miharu’s POV

                It was getting late and everyone was together at my family’s okonomiyaki shop. Raimei and Koichi sat on one side of the table and Mr. Kumohira sat by himself on the other. Monique and I were standing at the head of the table preparing their food. It didn’t take long for Mr. Kumohira to finally burst.

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