Duty Declared Pt. 2

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 My body tensed as I glanced over my shoulder and took in Koichi and Raimei's appearances. Raimei looked terrified, like she was going to break down in tears and Koichi looked mortified, as if he had been punched in the stomach a 1000 times.

My grip must have faltered because when I looked back her eye had welled up with tears and she spoke brokenly, “Did I do something wrong Miharu-kun? I'm sorry please don't be mad at me.”

She shook nervously and I quickly bent down and planted a kiss on her forehead trying to calm her down.

“No, you didn't. We came to visit the Fuuma village don't you remember?” I spoke calmly as I helped her sit up. “They are friends.”

Koichi gently held out his hand, “Hello Monique, my name is Koichi Aizawa and the girl here is Raimei Shimizu. We are friends here to protect you and keep you safe.”

She hugged her body close to my right arm, but still tentatively reached out and shook his hand.

“Protect me?”

“Yes, we are in a hidden village in the World of Nabari, the ninja world. And you have a very special power within you that needs to be protected.”

“Oh, really? I'm sorry, you look hurt. I must have cause you all kinds of problems.” She apologized directing her eye to the floor.

I took this as a sign for me to step in, “No, it's ok. You have done nothing wrong, understand? Now you are hungry right? We have to go to a clan meeting and dinner now, but you can stay with me alright?”

She nodded her head and I stood up bringing her with me gently. We walked down the hallway as a group, but Monique still had that dazed, tired look and clung to my side the whole way. When we got to the dining area Kotaru directed us to seats near the front and was surprised to see Monique clinging to me nervously. His eyes widened as he understood what was going on and then acted natural.

Standing up he began his speech.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening to all of you. You may have already heard about what happened here today. The Fuuma's kinjutsu, the tenpenka, was stolen from us. In addition to that, many of out beloved comrades. Our enemy is powerful. They have among their ranks one who practices Iga's forbidden Kira technique. As time goes by you are the ones who will carry on the spirit of the Fuuma shinobi. If we work with the other clans of the Nabari world we can put a stop to the Kairoshu. We'll keep them from abusing the kinjutsu. That is our duty! You are all heroes and I would be honored if you would all lend me your strength!”

The Fuuma all raised their fists straight in the air and gave out a shout. Kotaru then leaned forward and put his hands on Monique and I's shoulders.

“Come on up,” He encouraged with a nod and we stood up facing the mass. “Meet Miharu Rokujo and Monique Okosu. They are the shared possessors of the Shinra Banshou hijutsu. Please, help me welcome them.

The crowd erupted into gossip and whispers about how small we are and all other meaningless stuff. I glanced over at Monique and saw her face scarlet red in embarrassment and she had her eyes glued to the floor. I could feel my gaze harden, but Kotaru sensing our discomfort quickly began talking.

“They are faced with a dilemma. They want to be free of the hijutsu that dwells within them and they have traveled all the way from Banten to ask for our assistance.” He turned towards us but realized addressing Monique would be useless at the point. “Would you like to say a few words Miharu?”

“This hijutsu has been around, it was created long ago. So why are people still working so hard to get it? There's no reason for people to die for it.”

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