Surprise Attack Pt. 2

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Monique's POV

I can't believe it. There is no way this is the same boy. I stood in horror and disbelief as I watched the fallen Fuuma ninja. Miharu was supporting all of my weight at this point, but I knew that he was in just as much shock as I was. Raimei and Koichi ran up to help cover us and Mr. Kumohira just said, “no way,” in disbelief.

Walking up to the dead man's body Yukimi bent down and picked up the scroll, “I warned ya,” he said light heartedly. “Should have just handed it over when I asked for it.” He turned to Yoite, “Yoite?”

Yoite stared blankly towards us, directly at me.

“The Shinra Banshou is here,” he said never breaking the stare.

Turning around in complete surprise Yukimi exclaims, “No way!” He followed Yoite's gaze, but at this point Miharu had positioned himself in front of me while putting on his apathetic face. “You mean that creepy kid over there? The kid with the glassy eyes?”

Our group tensed, but no one expected what came next.

“No, not him. The girl, we have to get the Shinra Banshou right? So we need to take the girl.” Yoite stated this with complete confidence and I saw a hidden emotion behind his dead eyed exterior.

Our group froze and Miharu pulled me into a tight embrace silently swearing that I wasn't going anywhere. Raimei looked the most confused since we never got around to tell her that Miharu and I had a kind of shared custody over the Shinra Banshou.

“Uh man, it sucks that we had to run into her like this. I see this becoming a major problem.” Yukimi whined, but then smirked as the other ninjas reappeared. “Or maybe not.”

“Raimei, any idea where Kotaru is?” Mr. Kumohira questioned.

“Well he is obviously not in the village right now. If he was none of this would be happening.” She retorted.

Mr. Kumohira sighed, “Ugh, I can't believe this!”

Raimei gripped her sword in anticipation, “The book of forbidden techniques is the soul of this village. Man! I know what Kotaru would want us to do, I have to get it back no matter what!”

She was blocked by Mr. Kumohira's arm. “Wait! I know how you feel but you have got to calm down. This guy is seriously powerful, can't you sense that?”

Miharu's POV

He wants to take her? Why her? If he can tell that she has the Shinra Banshou then he definitely knows that I have it. Also Yamase and the others would have told Kairoshu that I have it so why target her? I thought back to when we first saw him. The softened eyes and then the pointed glare at me and I immediately got defensive. Because he doesn't want me, for some reason he specifically wants Monique and me separate.

“ The Kairoshu definitely have the upper hand here,” Mr. Kumohira said and then pushed all of us out of the way forcing us to run in the opposite direction. Mr Kumohira had one hand on Monique's shoulder and one on mine as he egged us on. I made sure to keep a tight hold on Monique's hand. If that killer boy was after her I wanted no chance of us getting separated.

Behind us I could hear the Kairoshu ninjas gasping in surprise and disbelief.

“You want to tell us what is going on?” Koichi accused.

“Shinobi rule #2,” Mr. Kumohira responded, “Discretion is the better part of valor.”

“Well I'm a samurai,” Raimei argued, “and we don't run away from our enemies.”

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