The Awakened One Pt. 2

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Miharu's POV

“Mhmmm, I tell you Miharu and Monique, your cooking is almost as good as your grandma's!” said one of our customers.

“And you two are only in middle school. That's pretty impressive.”

I could hear the T.V in the background. It was some T.V. Interview with a popular political commentator. Hatori something, grandmother loves him.

“Mr. Hatori always looks so sharp.” Grandmother sighs.

“He is handsome enough to be a movie star. I can't seem to understand a thing he says though,” the male customer says. Grandmother and the female customer laugh.

I heard the door to the restaurant open up and an annoyingly familiar voice speaks, “Afternoon.”

“Welcome,” Grandmother greets. “Oh my it is Mr. Kumohira.”

I turned my head towards the door.

“He-” Mr. Kumohira started but was abruptly cut off when I threw two spatulas with precision at the door frame near his head. A creeped out look took over his face.

Time to turn on chibi Miharu mode as Monique calls it. “I'm sorry about that, my hand much have slipped,” I even threw in a laugh for added effect.

Monique's POV

I laughed after chibi Miharu mode. Most people would think he is manipulative, but I find it really funny. And cute. It is one of the only times where Miharu is having fun and that makes me happy. I set down a cup of water for Mr. Kumohira and got the okonomiyaki ingredients ready. It really only takes one person to cook, but Miharu and I prefer to stay together.

“We've heard enough about your club. I am sure there are plenty of other kids out there who will join.”

Straight to the point as always Miharu I thought as he began to cook the ingredients.

“Listen you have to join, you are being targeted Rokujo”

Targeted? I tensed up. Worry and fear started to fill up my entire body. I don't know what I would do without Miharu.

Miharu's POV

I felt Monique tense up besides me, and I looked at her with a worried look. I knew I had to do something fast to ease her anxiety, but Mr. Kumohira continues to talk.

“You can sense it can't you.”

Think fast, chibi Miharu mode activated.

I get it.”

“Yeah.” He answers suspiciously.

“From what I can tell, it kind of looks like you're the one that's targeting me. Am I right?”

Mr. Kumohira was startled and burned his hand on the table. I listened for the familiar giggle and was surprised when I wasn't graced with its sound. Steeling a glance I saw that Monique had a small smile on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes. Her crystal blue eyes were clouded with worry.

Third Person POV

The wind blew through the trees and frantic footsteps can be heard.

Miharu's POV

The okonomiyaki was cooking and Mr. Kumohira started speaking about some ninja nonsense.

“Listen to this day ninja, or shinobi, continue to live on in the shadows.”

“Really you don't say,” I responded sarcastically. I was still worried about Monique, she was being rather quiet.

“Ugh, Would you just hear me out?” He retorted. “I mean there are two sides to every story right kid? The shinobi have adjusted their way of life so that they may live on. You just won't hear much about ninjas in the real world. When I was a little boy my grandfather decided to teach me the way of the ninja. I learned about Nabari otherwise known as the world of the shinobi, where we can go undetected.

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