Choices Pt. 1

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Miharu's POV

“Where have you been? Are you taking care of yourself? I missed you so much!”

I listened to Monique rave at Yoite. She had her arms around him tightly and was rattling off questions like a machine gun. I don't understand. How does she know him and why is he even here in the first place?

“Monique come over here,” I ordered staring at Yoite blankly.

She turned to me with a confused look, “Why Miharu-kun? I am talking to Yoite now.”

Yoite pushes her shoulders back causing Monique to look up at him.

“Why don't we all go for a walk?” he suggests lightly smiling down at her.

Turning to face me with a wide smile and sparkling eyes Monique begs, “ Oh please Miharu? Can we?”

I was about to say no when I caught Yoite glaring at me over her shoulder. He threateningly points down at the unconscious Koichi and extends a hand. Sighing in defeat I agreed and Monique turned and jumped onto Yoite again happily.

What have we gotten our selves into?

Koichi's POV

My eyes opened slowly and I found Raimei knocked out beside me.

“Raimei, are you alive?” I asked groggily, but she didn't respond. “Raimei,” I called a bit more aggressive. “Wake up.”

Her eyes fluttered open and as she began to wake up she looked up in surprise.

“Miharu? Monique?” Raimei calls out. When she received no answer she flipped over and struggled to push herself up.

I followed her example and grunted in pain as I stood up.

Raimei clutched her forehead and used the desk to support herself, “My head feels like it's going to split.”

I felt a burst of pain shoot through my own head and I held it gingerly. “Damn, that weird Kira guy must have kidnapped them.”

“Let's go find them,” Raimei states and we both limped out of the room, but we honestly had no idea where to start.

We spent hours and hours searching through the night and into the next day, but there was no sign of either Monique nor Miharu. Mr. Kumohira made it back from Fuuma and began drilling us on the details while we tried to defend ourselves.

“I'm telling you we've searched the entire town.”

“Is that so?” he responded.

“They just disappeared,” Raimei tried to explain. She was still holding her head and experiencing pain from Yoite's attack. “ They didn't even leave a trace. There's no way we are going to be able to track them down now.”

Mr. Kumohira just lowered his head, “We're going to Iga.” he decided.

I reached out, “ But that's ridiculous! We can't go there right now! We still don't know what's going on, there's no reason for us to go there!”

“Oh yeah?” he challenged. “Then what do you think we should do? We don't have any other choice.”

Raimei walked towards him, “You're looking pale Thobari-sensei. You must be exhausted from traveling all the way from Kanagawa, maybe you need to get some rest.”

He began to walk away, “You guys go ahead, but I don't have time for that right now.”

Raimei followed after him, “Sensei! You've got to try and calm down. I mean there's no need to worry, I am sure that Miharu and Monique are fine.”

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