Choices Pt. 2

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Miharu’s POV

Yoite released his hold on me and I jumped out of the broken window of the train and began running as fast as I could.

                “It’s no use Miharu,” he whispered.

Monique’s POV

~*Dream Start*~

Darkness… Darkness was everywhere. There were no thoughts, nothing. Just darkness as I floated for what seemed to be an eternity. My eyes and mind were blank as I drifted through the nothingness. Where am I? Who am I? As my eyes began to close a bright light appeared. What is that? I flipped over and began drifting towards the opening in the darkness. As I drew closer I could hear mumbling voices in the distance that were becoming clearer every second.

“….Come on Yoi-. It is just some swings…”

Who is that? I feel that they are calling me, drawing me towards a world I shouldn’t forget….

Finally I entered the portal or light and was surrounded by its blinding brilliancy. As my eyes adjusted and came into focus I could make out two figures. Both kids. One boy dressed in all black and a girl with long blonde hair. They had to be around 11 or so. The girl was looking at the boy pleadingly.

“Come on Yoite, can we please play on the swings.”

The girl was grabbing one of the boy’s hands with both of her own and looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

“It will be fun I promise!”

A light blush crossed the boy’s face as he avoided eye contact with the girl, “I can’t….” He looked at the ground in shame. “I don’t know how.”

The young boy waited to hear the girl’s ridiculing laugh and mockery about how pathetic he was, but instead he heard a soft giggle.

“That is okay! Here I will help you.”

Wide eyed and surprised the boy found himself being pulled over and pushed into one of the swings by the blonde haired wonder. Grabbing the chains in shock Yoite tried to steady himself.

“I really don’t think this is a good id-“

Yoite stopped mid-sentence as he felt the swing sink from the additional weight and two legs pressed up against his sides. Without a second thought the girl had jumped up and the swing behind him and begun shifting her weight back and forth. He could feel the swing begin the sway higher and higher. A look of wonder took over his face and he shifter his gaze up to meet a pair of blue eyes smiling down at him.

“Not this isn’t so bad is it?”

The boy could feel the blush form on his cheeks and he returned her smile with one of his own rare ones. The pair played in the park until the sun began to set.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Yoite! When Miharu-kun comes home we will all have to play together!” She called excitedly before turning and running down the street.

Standing at the park’s entrance, the boy waved until she was completely out of sight and then turned and coughed harshly into his hands.

This Kira training is really kicking my butt, he thought bitterly as a wave of nausea swept over him. The girl’s smiling face popped back into his mind. That is right, Monique’s friend should be coming back soon… Miharu huh? I won’t lose to him….. Yoite then fixed his hat and began walking back towards his apartment.

The scene slowly faded out. That blonde girl was me? Yes, I remember now. Miharu left on a trip with… with… who again? I met Yoite while he was away, but where did he go? Is he sick? Why was he coughing so badly?

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