Monique Okosu

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Name: Monique Okosu 

Meaning: Okosu-revive

Birthday: Same as Miharu (October 10th)

Age: 14

Height: 5 ft. (Miharu is 5 ft. 2 in.)

Eye color: Crystal blue

Hair: Long Blonde hair with natural highlights (reaches lower back)

Personality: Monique is a very happy and calm person. She tries to bring joy to the people around her and others describe her as a light. If she is uncomfortable or thinks she made someone upset she will avoid eye contact and stare at the floor. Her goal is to protect Miharu.

Crush: Miharu Rokujo

Background: Monique's mother was very close to Miharu's mother. They grew up next door to each other, but when Monique was 3 her parents passed away. Miharu's mother took her in since her and Miharu have been inseperable since practically birth. Monique and Miharu shared a room since they always fell asleep together anyways. Neither Monique nor Miharu remember how his parents died, but they both currently live with Miharu's grandmother at the okonomiyaki shop. The only time her and Miharu have been apart was when his grandfather took him on a journey around Japan for 2 months. It was a kind of right of passage type of event that was done for his parents. Miharu did not want to go since it meant leaving Monique, but she didn't want him to miss out on this family bonding experience. While he was gone, Monique was very lonely until one day a boy came into the restaurant. He was pale with black hair and looked sad and lost. She made it her mission to be his friend and make him smile, but once Miharu returned the boy seemed to have vanished. 

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