The Awakened One Pt. 1

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Miharu's POV

I have always been apathetic, towards everything and everyone... except for her.

The days pass by endlessly and I feel almost as if I am floating. I don't care about anything and I almost fear that I will one day float away, but she keeps me anchored. Monique has been by my side since before I can remember. Neither of us can really recall how her parents died, but since my mother and her were closer than sisters she came to live with us. After my own parents passed away she came with me to live with grandmother at the okonomiyaki restaurant. Somehow she has wormed her way past my apathetic exterior and captured my attention and heart. I only needed her and nothing else, no one would take her away from me. I love her.

Class began and a man I did not know came to the front to introduce himself as I stared out the window. From besides me I heard a lite giggle and look out the corner of my eyes to see Monique laughing quietly at me.

“Miharu, pay attention for the first few seconds and at least learn the teacher's name before you zone out,” She said smiling at me as always.

With a sigh I say, “Alright,” and then send her a lazy smile as I look towards the front of the room.

“Alright class, my name is Mr. Yamase. I'm going to be taking over for Mr. Sakamoto. It seems that he had to resign due to a sudden illness.”

After the introduction class resumed and I went back to starring out the window. It was the same routine as always. Monique would take diligent notes and explain concepts to me later. If we needed partners for any assignments, we were partners, it was a no brainer. For how smart she is, Monique is kind of oblivious at times, especially when it comes to other peoples' feelings in a romantic way. Most of the boys in our class have some kind of crush on her, she just doesn't notice. I worry that one day Monique will open her eyes and see all her other options and leave me alone. I am always starring out the window, but not just to day dream. I can see her reflection in the glass and it gives me peace knowing she is safe and happy. Sometimes, I can watch her flicker her eyes in my direction while she is working. Although I would never admit it, that is my favorite part of the school day. Those are the moments when I can think that maybe she is thinking about me too.

“Miharu, Miharu,”

I feel a small tug on my sleeve as I am pulled from my dazed thinking and turn to give Monique a questioning expression.

“It is the end of the day, but I have to go to Class 2-B really quick and give this paper to Mr. Hatake. I am really sorry to make you wait, you can head home without me if you want,” She said looking at the floor to avoid my eyes.

Monique has never been good at saying things that she thinks might make someone else upset. Since I was still sitting at my desk I reached forward and grabbed her hand that was resting at her side. Surprised eyes look up meet my blank gaze that softens just for her.

“Do you even have to ask? I will wait for you right here.”

Immediately, Monique eyes brighten and a wide smile takes over her face.

“Thank you so much Miharu! I will go as fast as I can!”

With that said, she bounded happily out of the classroom and I turned back towards the window.

“Hey Miharu........ Excuusssee me Mr. Rokujo,” said a sing-songy voice that snapped me from my daze. Turning my head I came face to face with a boy that wore a cheesy grin. He had white hair with read eyes and glasses.

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