Chapter 1: The ultimate Highschool

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Kokichi pov:

Gosh...they are all Talking so much nonesense that my head hurts. But getting used to it. Our class is just as loud as always..The only one who is silent is Shuichi. This guy..i dont know how he manages it to be so Patient and calm. I sit next to The window and look outside and try to ignore them all...but oh well i guess i will intreduce them. (It wont be all)

 (It wont be all)

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Well...thats's me. Im Kokichi Ouma, The ultimate Supreme Leader.
Age: 16
Personality: liar, manipulative, secretive, pushes others away, doesnt Trust anyone, lonely
Likes: guys ;), honey-strawberry cake and hugs ( but only with people he Trusts)

Age: 16Personality: liar, manipulative, secretive, pushes others away, doesnt Trust anyone, lonelyLikes: guys ;), honey-strawberry cake and hugs ( but only with people he Trusts)

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That is The Little ultimate Detective Shuichi Saihara and Yes..he is smart I wont say that
Age: 17
Personality: Calm, skeptical with kokichis lies, smart, patient, worried with people he likes
Likes: detective work, books and Movies with puzzles

 I wont say thatAge: 17Personality: Calm, skeptical with kokichis lies, smart, patient, worried with people he likesLikes: detective work, books and Movies with puzzles

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. The bratty Ultimate Inventor..Miu Iruma. I cant stand her.
Personality: Bratty, sexist, Dirty minded ( to much)
Likes: hot persons, likes to invent

Age:16Personality: Bratty, sexist, Dirty minded ( to much)Likes: hot persons, likes to invent

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Thats Maki Harukawa The Ultimate wait child Caregiver..but it Looks Like she wants to kill me..
Personality: sassy and Bossy, overprotective of her Friends, hates people Like kokichi
Likes: Kaito, knifes, Likes to make people regret Bad things

Age:16Personality: sassy and Bossy, overprotective of her Friends, hates people Like kokichi Likes: Kaito, knifes, Likes to make people regret Bad things

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Thats..Kaito Momota The ultimate Astronaut aka. Shumai's best friend and i still is that possible?
Personality: energetic, loud, stubborn but also kind and overprotective
Likes: Maki, his Friends, the stars and the Galaxy

how is that possible?Age:17Personality: energetic, loud, stubborn but also kind and overprotectiveLikes: Maki, his Friends, the stars and the Galaxy

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That is Kirumi tojo..The mother of the class. She is the Ultimate Maid..i Kinda Like her..
Personality: cares for everyone, lovely
Likes: cooking, cleaning and everyone in class

Age:17Personality: cares for everyone, lovelyLikes: cooking, cleaning and everyone in class

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Thats Rantaro Amami. He is the..actually i dont know. But he is Fine..i guess
Age: 16
Personality: nice, caring, silent
Likes: his Friends, books, a Bit Kaede.

i guessAge: 16Personality: nice, caring, silentLikes: his Friends, books, a Bit Kaede

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That is Kaede Akamatsu The Ultimate Pianist. She is Kind..atleast from that what i saw
Age:15 (almost 16)
Personality: Kind, caring, lovely, creative
Likes: to Play Piano, to make people happy Even when she doesnt Like them

Well i think These are the Most important ones, but okay. Finally the Bell Rings and the teacher comes in with the usual Face expression. He started teaching. Everyone was listening..exept Kaito. He was trying to Talk with Shuichi but he just Focuses on the teacher. I dont know why..but this makes me happy..

Well this day was actually already Over! Really thaught i was Gonna Write in the Present huh? Well sorry but nope this is Not gonna Happen. Its a lie!

But i introduce to You The Ultimate Highschool! Where dreams come True..or Not.

So my Unis! That was the First Little chapter! Are You hyped? Well wie will see what is coming. And please dont judge my english..because i live in Austria. Well See You in the next chapter!

Love ya!<3

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