Chapter 25: just flirting..yeah right

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked around and started to walk outside. I don't even know why. Outside, I saw myself as a child. Crying. Helpless. Alone..

Kokichi: Ah! I..huh?

I looked around and was now sitting on my bed. It was just a dream...i sighed deep and stood up. I wanted to see Shuichi..but it would be weird, wouldn't it? I think he already found out that this was my plan..what if he is angry? I feel bad..of course he would care..but it just makes me so so so happy..

I sighed again and looked at his photo. Of course I would fall for him. It would have been weird if I wouldn't have fallen for him..the only thing he was to me was kind. I don't even know why. Now..and now I even told him my past. And he...still acts the same, only more protective..
I giggled at that thought. He could be a hot bodyguard. I giggled more. Him in a suit, everyday. I'd actually like that. I mean since I've seen him in these suit..gosh.
Why am I think about him being my bodyguard?! Boyfriend would be WAY better. I giggled again and let myself fall onto the bed again. He is so so so perfect..such boyfriend material..and even though he knows..what I've been trough he still treats me the same wich

I can't even describe it. But gosh..I think I'm falling even more for is that even possible? I stood up again and started to take an apple with me while walking outside. The only thing I could think about was him. His eyes..his smile. Gosh why is he so pretty?!


I shouted and received some angry shouts from a grandpa. I looked away annoyed and sighed. Then I looked to the other side. Suddenly Miu was next to me. I literally jumped away from here.

Kokichi: stupid bitch, you scared me!

Miu: I know know. Just eh..god this is so weird for me to say, but are you fine? Maki told me what happened.

Kokichi: ? Oh! I'm fine. See? My stomach isn't even hurt anymore.

Miu: oh, well then..that's great! I just wanted to know. Of course I'm not worried or anything! But..are you planning on..making up with Kaito?

I shrugged and looked away from her.

Kokichi: not sure..

Miu: understandable. Well that was it already..see ya tomorrow in the dining hall!

Kokichi: yup see ya tomorrow.

Well and the rest of the day wasn't that great. I mean it was normal nothing special happened, but I thought that Miu was kind of suspicious, like..why did she wanna know?

Anyway it doesn't matter. I lied down in my bed when it was late and slept. The next day it was already 10.a.m and I went to the dining hall. Shuichi, Kirumi, Miu and Kaede were already sitting there. I sat down next to shuichi, of course. I smiled at him tired and poked his cheek. And well..I felt kind of flirty, since I don't know.

Kokichi: morning Saihara!!~

Shuichi: S-Saihara?

Kokichi: What? Want me to call you Ouma instead?~

Shuichi pov:

want me call you Ouma instead. My mind repeated it many, many times. Wh-why did he just say that?! Miu, Kaede and Kirumi also were shocked, since well he usually flirted differently..he flirted like it was a joke but that..was just..

I blushed deeply and he smirked at me, till is sighed and decided to go along with it.

Shuichi:..well you know..I think Kokichi Saihara would sound better than Shuichi Ouma~

Now kokichi started to blush deeply. Well..atleast im not the only one who is blushing now. I chuckled a bit before exist smiling at him softly. He then shook his head a bit, chuckled embarrassed and said

Kokichi: ohh~ looks like the Mr. Detective is flirting back~

Shuichi: well how could I not when this someone is as cute as you?

I chuckled. It felt really great to be in power like this. Kokichi blushed again. The blush spread to his ear before he chuckled again. I then slowly put my hand on his head and stroked his hair carefully. He got startled and looked up at me. I just smiled at him. I love his blushing face..

Kokichi: heh~ looooks like you want to win this! Well b-but it only looks like I'm stealing your heart!

I started to speak in a serious tone

Shuichi: kokichi..


I then smiled charming and stroked his cheek before whispering

Shuichi: you can't steal something that is already yours

I think that completely broke him. His face was red as a tomato.

Shuichi: heh, looks like I've wo-

Miu: gosh get a room you two.

I blushed a lot and we both looked at Miu. Kirumi and Kaede chuckled.

Kaede: I agree. Before you two start kissing-

Shuichi and kokichi: it was just a joke!!! We weren't really flirting!

Even though ..I meant everything I said.

Kirumi: it's alright you two. We know.

Miu: still I swear just make out.

Kaede, Kirumi, Shuichi and kokich: MIU!!!!

Miu: jeez! Calm down you two. Be happy I didn't say anything else then making out.

I blushed a lot and hid my face. In that moment I wished I was wearing my cap again. I looked over and kokichi acted like everything was fine, even though he hid his face in his scarf. He then slowly stood up.

Kokichi: I...I'm going to the toilet!!

And then he ran off. I bumped my face against the table and looked at Miu.


Miu: sorry, sorry but you two are so obvious!

Shuichi: you mean? looks like you two love each other..I mean who would play a flirting game?

Shuichi: i-it was random so..

Kaede only smirked at me and I looked at her annoyed. I then looked down at my hand. His cheek was so soft..his eyes were so..cute..
I blushed more every second. I then stood up aswell.

Shuichi: I'm going outside!

And so I went away.


Gosh..Gosh...Gosh...Gosh....Gosh....Gosh...I..we...I..I never Knew he could flirt so heart is racing so fast..his gaze..oh gosh his gaze..he looked so handsome..but of course Miu ruined it..

I love him..
It's almost painful

Omg guys!! We almost have 500 reads!! And my friend said if I get 1000 then she will buy or make me Saiouma merch! I NEED IT.

But really thank you all so much!! I never thought it would be so much..I've calculated the reads with my class..and my class literally fits 21 TIMES like what hell? thank you thank you!! I'm just so happy that Danganronpa is still a thing.

Love you guys, till next chapter,

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