Chapter 29: holding hands?

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(Okay I decided and I'm going to write in the new style now. And ph my god we had to reset Our ipads in school!! That was so annoying because now my ipad didnt work like it should for DAYS. Anyway in back again. Yippiee.
No but really. I am happy!! But writing on the phone is..uh. so i apologize for the grammar)

Kokichi POV:

„So? How was it?", Shuichi asked as we walked back to school. It slowly started to rain a bit but it didn't really bother me. I looked at his face as we walked quite close together. I sometimes looked down at his hand and got an urge to hold it, but I always stopped myself from doing so. I mean, come on, why would I hold his hand? I'm not scared or anything so I don't even have a good excuse for it. Well..I could touch his hand a bit and lie that it was an accident. I sighed and looked into his eyes again. „It was alright. Judy is really nice and everything and I met this girl who took drugs in the past, but she's alright now. I like the aura of the building and everyone seems understanding..but I'm not that sure if I'll go there." I said and shuichi gave me a small nod as an answer. He then looked up at the sky as a raindrop landed onto his face. He looked into his bag and put out an umbrella. He opened it and held it above us.

„just in case and about that, that your not sure..don't worry too much about it. If you want to go there then go, if you don't want to, then we will find another therapist for you, alright?" Shuichi said as he smiled at me so softly that it made my heart melt. I took in all the details in his face. The way he smiled, the way his eyes looked at me..gosh he's so perfect. I shook my head to get myself together. "No i think ill just go there..i dont want to be a bother you know? Well not like im not, but you know what i mean." I said as i cleared my mind. He chuckled a bit. " can be a pain, but that doesnt matter in this situation. Thats something diffrent."

He then got quiet again and we continued to walk our way home. All that we could hear were our and pther peoples steps and the river that was beside us. Also the birds that were singing to each other like they gossip about someone. I giggled a bit at that thought. Shuichi looked at me confused but i shrugged it of as a sign that it was nothing. After a while, it then started to rain heavily, but luckily shuichi had already opened his umbrella before. He was just as smart as always..

I looked down at his hand again. No matter how hard i tried not to, my eyes just kept wandering back. I looked at his eyes to see if he was looking at me. He was not, so i slowly touched his fingers with mine. I could feel him flinsh. I blushed a bit and quickly took my hand back. Well it was my plan to pretend that it was just an accident so i lied "sorry my fault. Heh, its just there are so many people that come across us right now. And they dont seem to know how to give people space"
Shuichi looked at me and quickly shook his head as an anwser. "No dont worry, also dont apologize. I can understand that..some people really dont know how to Do so....Also i wouldnt mind if you would hold my hand"

He slowly ended the sentence and my cheeks flushed a bright Red. I looked at him with wide eyes while my whole face heated up like crazy. He then realized what he said and also blushed deeply. He started to stutter something that i couldnt identify so i just looked at him like a flustered mess before i laughed embarressed and nodded. It was quite akward between us to be honest. I mean why would he say that?
Then suddenly, an old man walked into my shoulder. He angrily shouted at me in a diffrent language. Shuichi then glared at him and suddenly spoke in that language too! I looked between them confused before shuichi took my hand into his and went off. He clearly was pissed off as he held onto my head quiet..tightly. i looked at him and asked confused "hey shuichi what language was that and what did he say?"

"That was spanish. Also its..not important." My eyes widden a bit again. I never knew he could speak spanish. I accepted that he didnt want to tell me since it was "nothing". Aka i knew it was important but that he said something about me.
"You can speak spanish?" I asked to change the subject. He turned his head to me and started to walk slower again bit he still held my hand. I blushed a bit because shuichi clearly didnt notice that he was still holding it. "Yeah.i learned spanish when i wa like 5. I can actually speak some languages." He anwserd and i got even more suprised. "How many languages Do you know? And why Do you never Tell me something like this??"
He looked a bit guilty but then thought about it for some seconds.
"I can speak 6 languages. Well english, japanese, spanish, frensh, german and chinese. And i just never thought that it was important. Thats why i didnt tell you.."
I was completly shocked but also quite amazed. I mean i can speak some languages too but still. He learned them since he was a kid so he definietly must be fluent in them. Well he definietly is in spanish, heh.
Shuichi then suddenly looked down. He looked at our hands that were still interwined. He blushed deeply and let my hand go. His warm sensation was gone and i already missed it. His hand was so soft ad warm..
"Sorry" He whisperd bit i just chuckled and said thatvit ws A-okay. Then, after 3 minutes, we finally arrived. Shuichis aunt definietly didnt told me that it would take long to walk back. I sighed and yawned tired. Shuichi looked at me and then suddenly ruffled his hand trough my hair. He smiled. He smiled so soft again.
"Why are you doing this, hm?~"
"Y-Your hair just looked soft..ans it definietly is. You have great hair.."
I smiled at that compliment. Gosh i wish we could stay forever like this...


"Yeah kichi?"

"Could i stay with you tonight?"

SOOOOO!! That was the charter my Unis!!!! I hope you like it. Also eodh me luck with my ipad! Cause i dont like writing on phone!!

Also thanks for all the reads!!♡♡♡

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