Chapter 30: sleep well (finally some fluff!)

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"Can I stay with you tonight?"

That question repeated in my Head many many times . I blushed a little and looked him in the eyes. The anger I felt before started to melt away. I didnt Even thought about it and just Said yes. I could See how kokichis eyes lit up and it made my Heart melt even more than it already does when I see him. I chuckled a bit and ruffled his hair before I sudden got a call. It was from kaede. Kokichi looked at me confused, so I showed him my phone for some second. I then said sorry and picked up.
"OMG YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" She screamed into the phone so loud that my ear hurted. She quickly apologized as she noticed how loud she was. "Don't worry! Anyway, what do you want to tell me?"

"Okay so! Remember that talk we had where I said I will confess to rantaro? Well I did it yesterday! I know I meant to do it on Monday buuut! Anyway! He likes me back! He loves me shuichi! OMGG!" She started to scream again but I chuckled happily. She really deserves it. "Really? Thats great! I'm so happy for you kaede! Was about time!" "Right? I don't know why I never was sure and why I never told him.! Anyway I'm meeting with him now.! Don't forget to confess to your boy one day!" And with that, she hang up. I was a bit startled to say the least. I blushed and shook my head. I then put my phone back.Kokichi smiled at me with a knowing look. "Well from her scream I guess she confessed to rantaro?" " knew?" I asked confused. I thought I was the only one. "It was very obvious. I'm good at reading people's feelings after all." He answered and I got a bit nervous. He doesn't know my feelings right? I fumbled around with my fingers before Kokichi took my arm. "Well how about we go to your dorm now??" He said so fast that it almost seemed like he was nervous and I didn't know why until I saw kaito standing some meters away from us. My stomach twisted as I saw how he tried to walk up to us.

"Yeah let's go!" I quickly said and so we literally ran to my dorm. I closed the door as we arrived and breathed in deeply. I know we shouldn't avoid him but I can't talk with him. Not today. Kokichi looked around uncomfortable before smiling at me. "Well, you have a small kitchen here! How about..we cook something together?" I was a bit startled by that question but I was hungry so. I nodded but decided to tease him a little. "You can cook? Without burning the kitchen?~" He looked at me surprised as I said that. He then started to chuckle and suddenly threw his jacket at me. "What's that supposed to mean??" I laughed and threw it back at him. "I mean with that, that I didn't expect you to know how to cook!" "Pah! Believe it or not but I'm a pro at cooking!" He said and almost sounded offended.

"Then how about you prove it, hm?" I said with a grin. I know I'm not usually like this. But it's kinda fun to talk to him like that. "Alright I'll prove it! Then only I will cook mister perfect!" He went to my kitchen, picked up a cooking apron and put it on. It, surprisingly, fit him perfectly and he also, well, looked really cute in it. He then grabbed all the cooking utensils and put out the ingredients that he needed. I was surprised that he knew where I put all my stuff but alright. "What are you going to make?" I asked a bit unsure how to react to all this stuff. "Pan-seared steak with stroganoff sauce." I looked at him surprised. "But isn't that hard to make? Atleast that's what I heard." "Well it is more difficult than other dishes, but this will prove that I'm a good cook." He then started to cook the meal. I sat down in the table and watched him softly. "He truly is beautiful." I thought to myself as I stared at him. The way he cooked just showed that he really knows how to cook.

After 40 minutes, the meal was finished. He turned around and I quickly looked away, pretending I never looked at him. He chuckled and then served it. I looked at the plate and waited for Kokichi to sit down. As he did I slowly started to speak up. "You sure you're not trying to poison me?" He looked at me with an annoyed look. I chuckled and apologized. I then took a bite. As I tasted the food in my mouth my eyes lit up and i let out a small hum. "This..This tastes so good!" Kokichi smirked at me. "Told you so!~" He then also started to eat from his own plate. I really was trying not to eat too fast but it truly was delicious. Without knowing i suddenly said "I think I might marry you just so I can eat this food every day.

Kokichi started to blush and so did I after I realized what I just said. "Really? Is it that good?~ well that can't be your only reason shu, riiiiiight?~ I shook my head fast and tried to explain to him how it just slipped out of my mouth but he just laughed. He smiled and then told me that it's alright. I nodded embarrassed and went back to eating the food. Still, with a blushing face. "Why did I say that??" I felt like hiding in that moment. Which person could be so dumb and say that to their crush? Right, me. I can. I sighed and after a while we both finished the food. I stood up and took his plate. "Hey! What are you doing?" "You cooked so now I'm cleaning the dishes." "Well, let me help you!" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, you get some sleeping clothes and make yourself ready for sleep." He pouted. " are we really going to sleep already?"  "No, but we will watch a movie, so just change into more comfortable clothes, alright?" He nodded and then went off. As I heard the door close I let out a deep breath. How can someone be so cute..?

After a while he came back but I still wasn't finished with the dishes. He walked up next to me. I looked a bit to the side to see him wearing some oversized clothes. "Gosh he's gonna be the death of me" I thought as he stood next to me. He knows exactly how cute he looks in oversized clothes. I sighed and noticed how he wanted to help me. "Kokichi, No." "Maaaan. Why should I look at you doing all the work?" I sighed again and then turned to him. I simply picked him up like a little kid. I could see that his eyes widen a bit. I then walked to the couch and put him down. "Just choose a movie alright?" He nodded a bit confused and I went back to the kitchen. After 10 minutes I was finished with cleaning and so I walked up to Kokichi. "And?" I said as he sat there. "I found a good one! It's a high school story with a lot of drama or something." I looked at him surprised but to be honest, Kokichi did look like a person who would watch movies like this. I sat down next to him and pulled a blanket over us. He smiled comfortably and then we started to watch the movie.

"Gosh..there is way more drama than I expected.." I said and Kokichi agreed with a big nod. Also there were many sensitive topics in the movie. Like even suicide. I could see how Kokichi got more uncomfortable every minute. I blushed a bit at the thought but then I just ignored my thoughts and pulled Kokichi closer next to me. He got a bit startled but quickly leaned his head against my shoulder. I blushed and as the most brutal suicide scene came, Kokichi took my hand into his hand and held it tightly. And no matter how brutal this scene was, I couldn't hold back the butterflies I was feeling in my stomach. He basically was cuddling with me, since he, after a while, put an arm around me and buried his face into my chest till that scene was over. I blushed deeply and he then sighed deeply as the movie ended. He slowly looked at me. "I don't feel so good..heh, this movie was the most brutal one I've ever seen. More brutal than "killing school". So..could I you know uh.." I noticed how he started to stutter embarrassed. So I just put my arms around him and pulled him close. He gasped surprised and then buried his face into my chest. My heart started to beat faster and my body heated up like crazy. I started to stroke his hair and I could feel that he was calming down while I was doing the opposite.

I started to look like a tomato but I ignored it. I then buried my face into his hair and smelled at it softly. His smell was so good, it was almost addicting. I don't know what he did to make me fall so much for him. I guess he just put a spell on me. Maybe he learned this from himiko...
I looked down at his face only to see that he was just about to fall asleep. I smiled softly and as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, I kissed his forhead and whispered:

"Goodnight Kokichi, sleep well"

SOOOO that was the chapter and yes!! I finally wrote fluff! I waited my whole life to finally write one fluff moment! And don't worry, more will come.!

Love ya and see ya soon!
We will read each other!<3

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