Chapter 8: Midnight Meeting

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Warnings: mentions about eating disorder. Also sorry for not updating so long! But don't worry! My Musical is over sooo,we will start with some angst! Only some. Haha..

Kokichi pov:

Oh god I'm an idiot! I just realized what I did! Why the hell would I be so kind to that emo hat guy? I'm getting attached..I can't let that happen! I'm gonna make him hate me..yes I'm gonna make him hate me..


Your gonna make them all hate you?
Isn't that easy kokichi?
Its not like anyone will ever like you for who you are..

I woke up. I touched my face to notice tears on my cheeks. Shit. I had a bad dream again. I sighed and stood up. Even tho I don't want to admit it..these sentences are right. God what's wrong with me. I felt my body shiver. It was hard to walk because my sight was getting blurry. When was the last time I ate something? Is it..starting again or something? God no.

I opened the fridge to notice that there is nothing in it.
I sighed deeply and looked around. It can't happen..why am I getting weak again?
I sat down on the floor and looked at the door and at my clock. It was midnight. So it would be easy to go to the school kitchen in secret. I stood up again,went to the door and tried to control my mind. I started to go my way down the stairs but my mind wasn't playing along very well. Sometimes I had the feeling to throw up or sth. Very weird but well. As I arrived I went to the fridge and took out some leftovers. I warmed them up and then went to the table but right when I wanted to sit down I noticed Shuichi sitting at the table. I literally jumped and looked at him shocked.

Kokichi: what the hell are you doing here?!

Shuichi: I was about to ask you that..well I'm here because I worked a lot again and got hungry. I didn't have any food left in my fridge so I went here. What about you?

Kokichi: oh! Eh actually almost the same but cut the work part away.

Shuichi: you sure? Your very pale..I mean a lot more pale than you usually are. Are you fine?

Kokichi: Why the hell do you ask me that? I'm completely fine Shumai.!

Shuichi looked at me confused and also suspicious, but I only smiled and sat down at the table and started eating my small amount of food. My sight got better and I wasn't feeling dizzy anymore. Now I could act even better again. I looked up at shuichi and smirked softly.

Kokichi: I was just really really hungry, ya know?

Shuichi: well I can understand that. But ehm you should really go buy groceries for the next time. Miu saw you enter the kitchen more than 3 times now.

Kokichi: what? Oh yeah I was just too lazy haha!

I actually just forgot..

Kokichi: anywayyy how do you know that?

Shuichi: well it was like that..

Shuichis pov:

I turned around to see Miu, Rantaro and Kaede behind me. They looked at me calmly and that made me forget about Kaito immediately.

Miu: Hey Bitch! We saw that you and Kaito had an argument. What was it about?

I looked at her and sighed. was about kokichi.

Miu: what about that asshole?

Shuichi: He hates that I talk to him. I don't's hard to explain right now.

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