Chapter 12: a small walk between friends.

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Kokichi pov:

Aww man I slept well! I sat up and looked around confused. That's not the guest room. Did I fall asleep or something?? I sighed and looked at Shuichis photos for a while. I'm an idiot. I showed him a part of my real self. Stupid stupid. I stood up. If I'm sleeping here then shuichi must be sleeping in the guest room. Before i went to the room I looked at my phone to see the photo. I smiled. Shuichi looks good on that handso-

No! Come on stop thinking so gay all the time!
I put my phone away and ran into the room where i thaught shuichi was sleeping. I opened the door and yup, I was right. He slept there still. I smirked and came closer.


shuichi woke up from my scream and looked at me.

Shuichi: k-kokichi is everything alright?

Kokichi: good morning Sleepyyyheaad!~

Shuichi:..huh? Eh..g-good morning I guess.

He sat up and I continued smirking.i then pulled him up by his hand.

Kokichi: why didn't you wake me up stupid? You should have slept in your room, not me.

Shuichi: you just slept so peacefully.

He sighed a bit annoyed while I just laughed.

Kokichi: I know I know. Your too kind to do that.

He chuckled a bit before going to the door.

Shuichi: let's just go down. I'm sure breakfast is finished.

Kokichi: okay~

I followed him to the dining room. His parents were already sitting there with a coffee, but his sister wasn't there.

Kami: ohh! Good morning you two!

Shuichi and kokichi: morning!

Kami laughed a bit and so did Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi: breakfast is ready so just sit down. Oh and your sister is at a friends place.

Shuichi: that early?

Kami: early? It's 10 a.m

Shuichi: huh? It's still early, isn't it? She is only 13 after all

Kokichi: looks like someone is worried~

Shuichi: what? I guess..I am yeah.

Kami: trust your sister okay?

Shuichi: okay..

I patted his shoulder before sitting down. He sat down next to me and sighed softly. I smirked at him and wanted to tease him again but he ruffled my hair teasingly.

Kokichi: huh?! Hey, my hair!

Shuichi:...its not like it wasn't messy before.

Kokichi: hmph.

I pouted a bit before laughing it off. He was actually right soo yeah. Shuichi then gave me a soup. Oh right i remember. His family usually eats soup for breakfast. A bit unusual but I like it. I smiled and started eating. It was really good!

Kokichi: wow! Who made this soup?

Shuichi: mother did.

Kokichi: your mother is a good cook then!

Shuichi: yeah she definitely is.

Then we eated silently for a while till shuichi asked me if i want to take a walk with him after lunch and of course I said yes I's way better than only being inside. We finished eating our breakfast and then shuichi wanted to go to his office with me since he forgot something there.

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