Chapter 6: He did that..for me?

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(Before I write I want to say sorry for not writing for so long. I feel really bad but I just have so much to do. I'm really sorry but now I'm gonna write again! <3 you need to know that I'm playing in a musical sooo :) )

Shuichi pov:

Why did I gave him a headpat? Why?? That was actually a bit embarrassing. I only could see his confused face before I headed to the building again. I mean..sometimes he really has a cute face, but then he is annoying again. I sat down at my table and began to solve cases. I love being a detective..but three cases at once are just too much. Teachers really think I have a lot of time huh? It would be alright if they were easy...but two of them are really hard. My deadline is tomorrow so I really got no time left. As usual I'm gonna stay up all night again...but I'm used to that so it won't be a problem at all! Even tho..I said I'm not gonna do it..I'm definitely gonna overwork myself..that's just the way I am..


.... still not finished..and it's already 8p.m. I'm working for so many hours now...I can't even count. I looked up but I felt my eyes slowly closing. No! I need to finish it! I can fall asleep...I can't...but..I'm feeling so tired...and hungry..


Kokichi pov:

Ohh man! Soooo boring! And I can't even sleep! I sighed annoyed and was jumping in my room. This is soooo booooring! I looked at the door and just randomly decided to visit Shumai. He probably won't be awake but I don't care. I smirked. I actually stole his extra key..sooo I can easily head into his room! Hehe~

I went to his room but knocked on the door, since I don't want to upset Shumai..he is working after all. No answer. So he sleeping? I tried to open the door and it wasn't locked...weird. I went into the room to see Shumai sleeping at the desk, his head on his papers

Kokichi:..oh Shumai..

I came closer and looked at his sleeping face. So peaceful...I looked at his work and slowly pulled his head a bit up so I can take the work. His deadline is tomorrow...I looked at him again. I don't want to wake him up even tho I should. I sighed and stroked Shumai's hair a bit then I just took the work with me and went to my room. This teachers...are always so stupid! They should know that he has a goddamn life too! Since I'm not tired I'm gonna do his work. I may be not a detective but I'm a supreme leader. I should know how to solve cases.
As I looked at it I noticed how hard these two cases were. Both were half finished. Poor Shumai..hah...can't believe I feel sorry for him. I started to work on the case and I didn't notice how much time went by...I actually got tired while i did that, but I never fell asleep. After I was finished I went to Shumais room and placed the work where it was before

(The next day)

Shuichi pov:

I woke up because of a noise. I looked at my desk to notice my work. Oh Shit! I didnt finished it.
No No No No No! I didn't do it! I'm done! I looked at it and wanted to try to solve a bit more, but when I opened it, the case was solved.

Huh? How?
Everything made sense...there is nothing wrong with it. The answers made sense. The case was really solved. But I definitely didn't do it. So who did it then? I stood up and looked around. My door was a bit open, so someone was in my room. I didn't lock my door so this doesn't help me a single bit. I sighed. Atleast it's finished and I have slept well...but I won't give up. I went outside of my room and went to class.
On my way I met kokichi and I noticed that he had some big eye bags.

Shuichi:..huh? Morning kokichi..


Shuichi:..hey Are you fine? look so sleepy..didn't you sleep?

Kokichi: oh em...of course I did!

What a lie...

Shuich:..please stop lying kokichi. You really don't look well...

Kokichi:..well I just didn't sleep much! Nothing to worry about!

Shuichi:..if you say so..

Wait...kokichi always sleeps well Atleast he is never sleepy, but he is today...he is smart..and he stole my key. That's actually something he doesn't know. I know that he did that. I mean..he is good at stealing but this day he made a he wouldn't...he would never do something like that.

Kokichi:..anyway..ehm I hope the answers are right..


I'm sure that he meant the cases

Kokichi: Oh ehm forget it. Hahaha

He started to laugh and just told me that he said something „wrong".

Shuichi:..okay..ehm do you have seen someone who entered my room?

Kokichi made a surprised face..but it looked fake.

Kokichi: ohh noo! I didn't!

Suddenly Kirumi came and puts a hand on kokichi's shoulder.

Kirumi: Hey so..the tea is ready..and just tell shuichi that you did it.

Kokichi looked at Kirumi and then at me. He made an embarrassed and innocent expression. I looked at him and was shocked. He wouldn't...

Kokichi: oh man! boring. Yeah I did the 2 cases for you..what about it?

I looked at him. He tried to look energetic..but he was definitely tired. He probably stayed all night up for doing the cases. First...since when is he that nice? And second...why would he do that for me?

I couldn't hold my smile back and then just pulled kokichi into a tight hug. Kirumi smiled and went away, while I just held him tightly. He saved my day.

Shuichi:..thank you kokichi...thank you so much...I appreciate it..

I usually don't hug a lot, but it felt really good to hug him. I just embraced him and didn't really want to let him go. What a weird moment..but still it feels nice.

Kokichi:..h-heh..s-Shumai i can't breaaathe!

Shuichi: Oh! sorry!

I let go of him fast but still had a small smile on my face. I saw that his face was actually a bit redder than usual. blushing?

Kokichi:..Whaaat? No! I'm just Not used to hugs..

I nodded and then ruffled his hair a bit. He made that confused face again and this time I couldn't deny that he was cute..I really wanted to hug him again, since I'm so grateful but I decided to let it be.

After that I handed in my (and also now kokichi's ) work and got an A, while kokichi just smirked in the background. I could feel my face get a bit hotter..he really did it for me.

Sooo my Unis! I hope you liked this chapter! Again I'm really sorry but I try to make more chapters again. I of course would love if you leave some feedback, so I know if it's good or not. I love Saiouma and just want this story to be good

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