Chapter 15: Kaede ships..them?

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Shuichi pov:

It was really weird. Why were we so close? I don't know anything his bath really broken? Or is he hiding something there? He seemed really suspicious soo..
What I'm about to do is so wrong, but I'm going to look what's inside his bathroom. I mean, what can he hide?

I sighed and after some hours I went to his room which was surprisingly unlocked. I looked at the bathroom door and went to it. I then wanted to open it, but it was locked. Huh? He locked his bathroom door but not his..

Okay this is getting really suspicious. He must have hide the key somewhere, but I needed to be quiet so I don't wake him up. I slowly went to his bed where he was sleeping on. I looked at him and I don't know why but I got distracted by his sleeping. He looked so peaceful and soft, it was really weird for me but I started to stroke his hair. I also started to feel really bad. I looked at his board and then looked down ashamed. He thinks I'm trustworthy but now I wanted to do THIS. I shook my head at my dumb idea and stood up and went to the door. Before I could get out kokichi woke up and looked at me a bit confused and definetly sleepy.

Kokichi: Shu..? What..are you doing in my room?

Shuichi: o-oh I just forgot something don't worry. You should go to sleep again..and the next time please lock your door, I'm going to lock it for you this time.

Kokichi:..oh, okay. Thank you..

He then lied down again and continued to sleep. I was really happy that he didn't notice my blush. He was just too cute sometimes. I sighed and went to my own room again. Never thought I was going to think about him like that..what happened to the always annoying, lying little guy? It's weird to feel like that, but I don't think it's love..Atleast I hope so. I sighed again and lay down on my bed to sleep, but I stayed awake for a long time again..

Kokichi pov:

I woke up at 6 a.m. I don't know why so early but I didn't mind. I felt a weird feeling and I started to shake a bit. This happens every week, so it's.."normal". I sighed and went into my bathroom. The key was always on my chain that I had around my neck, so nobody can go in. I then took my...pills. I hated it. I really did, but if I wouldn't take the.."pills"..then I would see him. I started to shake only because i thaught of him and I felt like crying. I became like him..that's why I hate myself so much..I should just have-


Huh? I shook my head, went out and locked the bathroom. I then went to my door and opened it. In front of me was Mr. Monokuma and Kaede?

Kokichi: is everything alright?

Monokuma: ah yes don't worry, I'm just here to tell you that you still have Kaedes piano books.

Kokichi: oh..sorry Kaede.

Kaede: it's..fine?

I looked around my room and found them after a time. I actually want to start to play an instrument to impress Shuichi. I noticed how he likes to listen to Kaede and since I always wanted to play guitar so..well. I forgot about it tho, since Shuichi started to become my friend even tho I wasn't playing an instrument. This only proved how insecure I was in the past. I sighed and handed them to her.

Kaede: do you still want to learn guitar?


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