Chapter 23: spending some time together

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!!Small mention of eating disorder.!!


Kokichi pov:

Kokichi: W-Well that was it..the whole story..I..I understand if you don't want to spend time with me anymo-

Suddenly Shuichi hugged me. Really really tight. I stopped talking and then started to cry a bit. I couldn't even hug back in the moment. I just leaned into his hug and felt save.

Shuichi:..k-kokichi..I'm so sorry you had to go trough something like this..I-i never noticed. always seemed so fine. I-I don't even need therapy..

Kokichi:..I..I know..but I don't want to go..

Shuichi:..Kokichi..why not?

Kokichi: I..I just don't want to be reminded of my past everyday..I don't want to feel the pain..I..I'm used to hide forget about it..

Shuichi then stayed quiet as I told him that. He only nodded and hugged me tighter. I didn't think he would react like this. I thought that he would leave me alone. I thought he would be horrified of me, but he wasn't. And I don't know why..but it made me happy. Happier than anything. won't leave me, right?

Shuichi: what? Of course not! I'll..I'll help you. Your not alone with this anymore kokichi..alright?

Kokichi: alright..

He then let go of me and smiled softly. He wiped away my tears and stood up.

Shuichi: how about about we eat something now?

I nodded softly and stood up as well.

Kokichi: food would be nice yes... still have an eating disorder? you still take drugs? Or-

Kokichi: No..I don't. Atleast my eating disorder isn't that bad anymore. I stopped taking drugs and stopped drinking alcohol when I was in the hospital.

Shuichi: what..about the medication?

Kokichi:..I take them every day.

He nodded. not suicidal anymore, r-right?

Kokichi:..not anymore.

He sighed relieved. Just alone how he asked me these things..I could see that he atleast cares for me a little bit. I smiled a bit and then hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and so we hugged again. After the hug I ran to the door.

Kokichi: well I haven't eaten noodles for a while so..could we go to a Chinese restaurant?~

Shuichi: sure we can.

He smiled at me and then we made our way to the restaurant. We walked past Kaito and I could see that he felt bad, but I ignored him.

Kokichi:..your not gonna tell anyone right?

Shuichi: of course not. I won't tell anyone, I promise with my life.

I nodded and after some minutes we arrived. The restaurant looked great and it smelled so good. We sat down at a table right next to the window and ordered our food after some time. Shuichi kept looking at me like he was worried. I then whispered.

Kokichi: don't worry too much about it okay Saihara-Chan?

He nodded and blushed a little embarrassed as I called him Siahara-Chan. Well it's not like I called him that so often so I understood him. The our food arrived and i started to eat happily. I smiled at Shuichi sometimes, just so he knows I'm fine. Atleast right now.

The food was so good that I ordered another portion. Shuichi and I talked a lot meanwhile. After I was finished we walked outside and I smiled at Shuichi.

Kokichi: Thanks for listening.

Shuichi: No Problem kokichi.

Kokichi:..could you stay at my dorm for a while? I don't really want to be alone right now, ya know?~

Shuichi: yeah I can do that.

Just like that, we went to my dorm. As we arrived I now noticed that my room still looked like a mess. We both looked at each other and then started to clean the room. I threw the empty medication away and cleaned the bath while Shuichi cleaned the floor. This took for about 45 minutes. We then both sat down at my couch and watched the movie called „up". After a time of watching this film  put a blanket over each other so shuichi and I could feel more comfortable. The movie was really greets and it felt like childhood, since I used to watch it when I was 5. Shuichi also told me that he used to watch it as a child. I sometimes looked to shuichi. I hope I won't regret telling him my past. But I trust him so..

After the movie was over I felt really sleepy. I looked over at Shuichi. could be that I fall asleep..just don't think anything about it alright?

Shuichi: Alright.

We then watched another movie and well I fell asleep at the half of it. The movie was actually interesting but my eyes just got more heavy and I couldn't force myself to stay awake.

Shuichi pov:

I noticed that kokichi fell asleep. I looked at him and stroked his hair softly. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel so protective over him right after he told me his past. I just don't want that something and happens to him..I won't let anyone hurt him. Ever again.
I smiled softly as he slept peacefully. He just looks so cute when he sleeps. I then stood up, turned the Tv off, picked Kokichi up, placed him on his bed and covered him with a blanket.

Shuichi: Good night..kichi.

I the went out of the door and started walking to my room. I lied down my bed and thought about kokichi for a while before I then fell asleep.
„I'm gonna help kokichi"

...he will never be alone again.

SOO! Yes two chapter in one day because I was in flow. I love this story so much and I hope you do as well. (Just saying but The next Saiouma story will be a phantom thief au story.)

Well I wish you a great day or night and I hope we'll read each other again!<3

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