Chapter 11: Shuichis home

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Kokichi pov:

We got into the car and Shuichis parents looked quite sad. They smiled at me comforting and I smiled back. I guess shuichi told them really what happened. I think they know now that I'm not popular here in this school. Kami handed me a blanket. I nodded thankful and covered myself in it.

Kami: my..don't worry kokichi, it's fine. Shuichi told us what happened. Don't feel bad.

Kokichi: oh? I'm not, but thanks for the blanket.

Kami: No problem.

Then Kiyoshi started to drive.

Kami: oh.I don't like this situation. There are always people who can ruin a day, hm?...Anyway. Since it's weekend now I thaught it would be great if shuichi would come to visit us again. And since your here, how about you come with us kokichi? If it's alright for you of course..

Kokichi: huh? Eh..sure if it's fine for you All..then I wouldn't mind it

Shuichi: well it would be great to spend more time with you. So..

Kokichi: well..then of course!

Shuichi smiles softly. Again this smile. I can't!

Kami: okay then! We're gonna drive a bit more than one hour but it will be fine right?

I nodded. It will be definitely fine. I looked out of the window. It was raining now. I smiled softly and watched the raindrops fall. It all felt so peaceful. There was a silent. A good silent. In that moment I could just forget what happened in my life. It was comforting. The way the raindrops fall..just makes me calm inside. I leaned my head against the car window. Gosh I was tired. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. I didn't dream anything this time. Everything was peaceful in my mind.

Then, after some time, I felt someone tapping my shoulder carefully.

Kokichi: huh?

I blinked confused before I saw shuichi being the one waking me up. He smiled softly at me.

Shuichi: good morning kichi. Did you sleep well?

Shuichi: well we're here. So let's get out of the car.

Kokichi: where?

Shuichi: at my home?

Kokichi: oh! Right..

I nodded a bit and got out of the car, the blanket still around me. I looked around. I was standing in front of of a beautiful looking house. It was average size wich was already a luxus for me. Shuichis parents we're standing at the door, smiling at us. Especially Kami was smiling at us like we're..I don't know. We went to the door and went into the house. It smelled like strawberries and lemon. The house was really beautiful from the inside too.

Shuichi: well..that's my home. I am not here that often anymore, since you


Shuichi: let me show you around.

I nodded, smiled and was a bit more awake than before. He showed me around the house and told me also a bit about his family and more. I was really stunned by the house. Its was so clean and organized. Thats why Shuichis room is also always like that. As he showed me the kitchen a girl suddenly stood in front of me. She looked like 13 or something like this. I was really confused and looked at her. She was almost as high as me. Gosh.

Girl: so you are kokichi hm?

Kokichi: eh...yeah. But who are you?

Masumi: I'm Masumi Shuichis sister.

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