The Acquaintances

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Shadow POV:

Looking into the house, the two tailed fox and tribal like echidna were staring at him. He felt his breath choke. He felt like he had already been caught, but then the fox finally spoke up. He had a slightly high pitch but gritty voice to him.

Tails: "Who is the new guy, Sonic?"

Sonic chuckled as he pat Shadow's back and smiled. Seeming egear and trying not to sound a bit of a surprise... which it already was.

Sonic: "You guys, meet... Shadow!"

Knuckles glared at Shadow from the couch he was sitting on. It was obvious the rust colored echidna didn't trust him. Knuckles then stood up, his voice raspy and deep.

Knuckles: "And Sonic, what makes you think he is supposed to be trusted? I mean... look at him, a dragon like tail, he has hind like legs and not our form of legs... something is off about him."

Shadow felt his heart freeze up to the words Knuckles spoke. His demeanor and the way Knuckles seemed to hold himself... it did, in fact, make him feel vulnerable. He showed no emotion once Knuckles spoke. He crossed his arms and stared down at the 5'11 echidna.

Shadow: "And what makes you think I trust you either. I'm only here to be a friend, not a foe."

His voice was a bit crackled when speaking, which only brought more questions than answers. Knuckles sighed and just shrugged it off. Tails had already walked over, looking at Shadow's features. Seeming to be intrigued by the attributes Shadow brought to the table. Shadow noticed the darkened orange fox as he pulled his tail away from sight. Not liking how close Tails was.

Tails: "Oh, sorry... Shadow. Your features just piqued my interest!"

Sonic smiled as he watched Tails walk back to the kitchen. The 15 year old continued to cook, while Knuckles decided to just watch television. Sonic grabbed Shadow's hand and brought him up to a guest room, where Shadow could stay for the time being. It was a plain white bed, soft comforters as well as pillows. It had a television in it and some other electronics that seemed to catch Shadow's attention. If he wanted to fit in... he had to learn everything he could about this world as fast as he could. Sonic smiled as Shadow sat down in the bed, seeming to like the soft feeling of it. The room reeked of the smell of lavander.

Shadow: "... What is that florescent smell?"

Sonic's eyes widened as he looked at the candle that was lit on the nightstand. Grabbing it and looking at the scent connected to it.

Sonic: "It's lavander, if you'd like me to change it... I easily could."

Shadow shook his head. Loving the smell that the candle gave off. It reminded him of his home planet for some reason. It gave off a weird comfort in the room. Shadow then laid down on the bed, looking at the blank white ceiling and trying to get some sort of mindset for this planet. Sonic stood there as he went to go close the door. Shadow then spoke.

Shadow: "So... what's it like being a hero for Mobius?"

Sonic froze a bit and then went back into the room. Turning back around as he spoke calmly.

Sonic: "It's... nice, I suppose. I mean, I'm only 18... so I can only do so much."

Shadow then sat up in the bed. Looking down at his claw-like paws. His mind elsewhere.

Shadow: "You're not too much younger than I am... I'm 19."

Sonic smiled, glad he chose someone close to his age to hang out with more. The oldest was Knuckles... 25 years old. He pretty much was the dad of the place. And Shadow could tell. Tails was the smart and curious one. Knuckles seemed to be strong and protective. While Sonic was the optimistic and fun sibling to chill with. He could already tell that's how life was for these three. He never could understand how a household could be so tightnick. But as he saw Sonic smile... he knew he was already doing good at seeming like an innocent little thing. He smiled as Sonic walked out of the room. Shadow lay back down as he started to plot his own little skit in his head on how to ruin this tiny happy family he was invited into.

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