Mistakes Were Made

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Sonic launched at Hezerow. Tackling him to the ground. Once a 5'3ft mobian, now is a 6'8ft werehog. He couldn't control his emotions or actions. Biting and scratching at the leader's body like he was just some ragdoll. Eventually, the guards let go of Knuckles. As the old beat-up red echidna lay on the floor. He turned over and groaned. Leaning on his weak elbows as he had already witnessed this monstrous form before. It seemed to be a lot worse, considering he was now scared of losing a second friend. Knuckles was the only one currently who could maybe even give Sonic a thought to calm down. Sonic kept tearing at the alien leader body. As the guards tried to get the beast of their leader. In the process, aliens were given broken bones and / or scratch marks that were too deep to ever fully heal. Knuckles finally yelled. His throat was scratchy and hoarse from the beatings he took. When Sonic heard Knuckles' voice... he froze. His claw was right on Hezerow throat. As he turned his head slowly. Growling and seeming feral to the bone.

Knuckles: "Sonic, it's me... Knuckles. It's okay, I'm alright. Just breathe..."

Sonic stared at the echidna, seeing how battered up he was. Even with a discouraged body like Knuckles as the moment... the poor echidna was still trying to find some peace to Sonic's harmful emotions. The werehog finally took his paw off Hezerow's neck.

Knuckles: "That's it... cmere' it's okay."

Treating Sonic like a pet in some weird way. Since Sonic had no real-world connection at the moment... he did seem to act like a wild animal. Walking on all fours over to the weakened echidna. He laid next to him and rested underneath Knuckles' left arm. Acting like a dog and making sure Knuckles was okay. Pushing his nose into Knuckles' muzzle. Knuckles chuckled and coughed.

Knuckles: "I'll be okay, buddy. Just breathe... clam down."

After a few more words of talking. Sonic seemed to be coming out of his animalistic like state. He lies on his side as his form slowly shrinks. His eyes close, falling asleep after his gross animal awakening. He was back to normal while laying asleep on the ground next to Knuckles. The echidna looked over at the alien leader, who brought this upon himself.

Knuckles: "You should have listened. And I'm saying that with a dark passion, too. You don't know what he is capable of. And you could have died. But I think it's wrong for anyone to die cold-heartedly. It's not something a hero like Sonic would ever dream of doing. He lost something recently that he can never get back. And you, my friend... pushed a nerve I'm him that I haven't seen been pushed in a long time."

Hezerow groaned as his guards helped him stand up and lean on the wall behind him. Looking down at the blue hedgehog with a murderous glint in his eyes.

Hezerow: "... That can't be a mobian..."

Knuckles paused, confused by the sudden statement.

Knuckles: "Excuse me, but he was born and raised on Mobius! He is not a monster... not like you."

Hezerow: "No! Something is different about this certain mobian. He can shape shift, I've heard he has the speed of a turbo jet... he can also put off electrical outputs bigger than an entire city. Whatever he is... he isn't a mobian. Or he may be... but not one of mobian blood."

Knuckles froze, almost taking offense to what this alien is saying about his young friend. Even with being beaten and hurt, he still had a mouth and attitude to throw around.

Knuckles: "You may be right, but that doesn't make him less of a friend or mobian than he already is."

The room went silent as Hezerow snapped his working fingers. Mumbling a few things to his guards. One guard grabs Sonic as Knuckles tries to keep the blue blur next to him. While the other guard grabs Knuckles and drags him. The echidna kicks with his one leg and yelling. Shadow was still pinned to the wall. As the final guard, let off. Shadow gasped and rubbed his neck. He was feeling lighter and not in so much agony. His leader then walked over to him and punched him across the face. He groaned as his lime green blood dripped from his nose and lip.

Hezerow: "What the fuck did you let aboard my ship?!"

Shadow: "I-I don't know... all I know is what I've been told by other mobians. Ophelian knows more about this... but I am tired of him taking control over my body. It's painful!"

The leader was huffing. Growling as he realized a few things.

Hezerow: "Wait... those emblems. On his face and elbows. Lurzo, do you know if Sonic lived with a royal family?"

Shadow went silent, only remembering bits and pieces of Sonic mentioning his family. It wasn't one of a warming heart. His family was nothing but cruel to him.

Shadow: "Yes... his mother is a queen, and he had two siblings. A brother and a sister. But that's all I know."

Hezerow thought for a moment. His mind looped as their ship hovered in space. Trying to see if he should land on their planet or go to the lost world everyone speaks about in the alien culture. Which is said to hold the most powerful of all aliens, one who seems to hold connections to all. The world went missing centuries ago, as well as the alien who lived on the so-called universe or planet.  They all had emblems like Sonic's, though. One between the eyes, outside the eyes, as well as the two markings on the ears. As he then looked over, seeing the door open to the room, they stood in. A large male walks in as he fixes his glasses and chuckles. His voice was raspy but loud and arrogant.

Eggman: "Where to next, boys?!"

To Be Continued.  .  .

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