Harsh Intentions

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Sonic woke up on a metal surgical table. His wrists were pinned as well as his ankles. He groans as he kicks and squirms. Seeing if he can maybe struggle his way out of the restraints. That's when Sonic heard a door open behind him. He didn't know who came through the door, hearing heavy footsteps getting closer to him. He took a deep breath as he then heard the person's voice.

Eggman: "Wow, I've been pretty lucky today. First, I met these aliens and made their technology better. Got an alien leader on my side... and on the same day, I get to have my way with you, blue rodent!"

Sonic's heart sank. No, not him... out of everything that could be happening, why was he here?!

Sonic: "Where's Knuckles?! Where did you put him?"

As Eggman walked in front of Sonic, the older man chuckled as he seemed to be cleaning or preparing a few things.

Eggman: "He's in his cell... he isn't in the best shape, but... oh well! He'll live..."

Sonic growled as he squirmed on the surgical table again. He was desperately trying to get out of it. As he then feels a jolt of electricity spring through his stomach. It was Eggman holding a taser down on Sonic's stomach. Sonic groaned as he felt his body shake. Getting flashbacks of being back on Eggman's ship and the chaos emeralds being taken from him. After he stopped resisting the restraints, Eggman pulled the weapon away from being in use. Sonic whined and took deep breaths. It stung to move, or whatever he could move. Resting his head on the table, his head spinning. Eggman then stood beside the pinned down hedgehog. He chuckled and opened up a pill bottle.

Eggman: "Say... awe..."

Sonic refused to take the medicine or whatever pill Eggface was going to give him. As Eggman gripped Sonic's chin and forced his mouth open. Forcing the hedgehog to swallow the phentermine down. He gasped after swallowing. It felt like his throat was on fire. He struggled again, kicking and trying to break free. As Eggman tased him yet again. Sonic yelled and groaned, shivering as twitching to the unwanted electricity in his body. Eggman finally pulled away as Sonic started to feel exhausted. With the unknown pill in him, the abuse, and struggling to get out... it had already exhausted him. His anxiety was lowering, though. As well as his heart rate. His vision was getting blurry, and his body was growing more and more tired.

Eggman: "That's it, little rat... take a nice long nap, and everything will be just fine!"

Sonic fell asleep to those unreassuring words from Eggman. As he then opened his eyes to being in a white cube... yet again.

Sonic POV:

My head felt heavy, and my eyes hurt... almost like they were dry. Or I hadn't slept in aged. Standing up as rub the back of my head and groaned. My body felt like millions of needles were going through me. Or only the end of it was poking me. My jaw hurt as well, and it felt like it was locked up or hadn't moved in a while. As I looked around, it was this same white room. I groan, trying to wrap my head around this place. I used to have normal dream spaces, but now... it seemed to only end up in this never-ending white room. I then heard a couple of footsteps behind me. I turned around quickly to see that no one was actually there. It happened a couple more times. And with each time, I turned around immediately in the direction I heard the footsteps. Each time I heard it, the sound went closer in different directions. My anxiety was skyrocketing. Now, hearing and seeing nothing happen. I finally turned around, as that same abnormal Tails figure was now right in front of me. I gasped and stumbled back a couple of steps. It was the same lifeless empty eye sockets. The same sound of blood dripping from the agape hole in Tails' stomach. The same unhinged or deathly emotionless expression on his face. It made me uncomfortable or uneasy at that. It then smiled, or what seemed to be a smile. That's when I saw a flicker of red in one of his eyes. One pupil is showing through those abyss-like eye sockets. I could feel my stomach churning as I spoke.

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