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Five hours of laying there on the couch together. Shadow finally woke up. He didn't move once he realized Sonic was leaning on him. As he had also been doing the same. He didn't quite know what to do. Slowly lifting his head up and making sure Sonic laid down without anything else happening. He turned off the TV and started to walk up to his room. Right before he went upstairs, he saw a blank journal just sitting on a nightstand. He brought it up with him as well as the pen next to it. Going up the stairs and into his room, he sat down on the bed and started to write in the journal. Getting his plan out. Without putting much thought into earlier events. He wrote for about three hours before Sonic had come upstairs to check in on him. Knocking on the door, Shadow immediately closed the journal, put it on the nightstand, and turned on the TV. Sonic came into the room and looked at Shadow as well as what he was watching. Unironically, it was another murder documentary. Sonic sighed and smiled.

Sonic: "So, Shadow. Feeling okay, bud?"

Shadow nodded his head in response with a quick and sweet smile. Wanting Sonic to leave as fast as possible. All intrusive thoughts of just wanting to bash Sonic's head in came to mind. It was way too fast for him to just look away and act like nothing was going on. Feeling himself shrink in the bed due to such incriminating thoughts. Sonic spoke again as he tried to make conversation, so it wasn't awkward.

Sonic: "You hungry?"

Shadow sat their for a moment and nodded his head once more. Sonic smiled, speaking once again.

Sonic: "What would you like to eat?"

Shadow then shrugged, not knowing much Mobian food. He sighed and finally spoke.

Shadow: "Could I use your phone to search up some food?"

Sonic offered the phone to Shadow as the ebony alien took into his grasp. Using the phone and searching some stuff up. He then showed Sonic a picture of what he had wanted. It was a picture of homemade ravioli. Sonic chuckled and looked at the recipes.

Sonic: "Whenever Tails gets back, he can make this. He has an amazing recipe for ravioli!"

Shadow showed a small grin and went back to watching his show. Sonic left him to his thoughts, as Shadow kept the TV on and continued to write in the journal. He started writing about ways to maybe get to Sonic in a slow yet painful way. Maybe bullying or harassing, but that won't kill him. Shadow kept going deeper and deeper into thought. He was so deep that the Bermuda triangle was jealous. Finally getting a great idea... he decided to try and befriend him more, get on his good side. Then, one day, once he has finally gotten what he needs to know how to defeat the blue blur. He will finally backstab him. Leaving the hedgehog drained and remorse while Shadow... would be on top. He smirked at the thought of claiming his own power on this world. Seeing as how he could find a way to cure that void inside of him. But as he thought about such a harsh feeling... something clicked. A feeling he had never felt before. Sitting there, as thought turned more loving than hateful. He started seeing how he enjoyed Sonic's company, that he seemed to be more than a hero as well as a friend to the alien. Shadow hissed and turned over in his bed. He didn't want to feel such a way. It got him conflicted to a point of no return. Eventually, drained of all the thoughts he had been getting about this blue being... he finally fell back asleep. The smell of the bed, it smelt like Sonic. Shadow didn't realize he was doing this, but he was nuzzling and purring while cuddling a pillow in hand. He imagined it was Sonic, and once he realized what he had been doing... he pulled away from the pillow and turned over in the bed. Was this some trick Sonic had, some... weird power? A power for people to fall in love? What, no! Not love... was it lust? Maybe a crave for his attention? Or was it more? Shadow couldn't put his finger on it, feeling his muzzle getting hot as he lay there. Looking at the ceiling... his voice just barely above a whisper.

Shadow: "... Am I... in love?"

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