Watch Your Back

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Sonic POV:

I could feel my blood boiling and the rage in my body rise. I was staring at someone I once called my friend. Hearing all about this alien species and how they operate. Ophelian was the one in control, not Shadow. I can't blame Shadow for this... but I also could. Why can't he fight back this so-called subconscious. Is he just letting it all go for the hell of it all?! I can see two more eyes opening on his muzzle. His mouth disappeared from view. Was this now Ophelian's body? Was this what he looked like? Or was this the true form of him? I could barely think, let alone make a rational decision. He had just killed my little brother... or... it killed my little brother. If I were to hit Ophelian... would I hurt Shadow as well? Knuckles took cover behind a huge boulder, still holding Tails' limp body.

Ophelian: "Whoa, I'm so scared. Stupid blue rodent. I've watched you for the past few days we've been here. You have no skill. People call you a hero, but I see nothing. All you have done is wander the house and hang out with Shadow. I see no hero in you... in fact... what is your special ability supposed to be? Knuckles' is strength. And Tails seemed to be a brainiac. What about you, rat? Do you just hang around with other misfits to feel welcomed? God you're a fucking twink. I'm glad Tails jumped in front of you... because I want to see what real bullshit that I'm gonna have to deal with."

I felt my muzzle get hot. My fists clench together. Looking back at Knuckles and Tails' dead body. I got a small flash back of my past. Shaking my head, desperate to not relive it. Remembering how people like Ophelian seem to always forget one thing.

Sonic: "You may not have seen what I can do. You may not have seen the power I could potentially hold. But... there is no power in me when you hurt a friend. Only rage and a few little misleading thoughts. People like you seem to always think you're so fucking superior. Always guessing who I am and what I could do. You don't know me, even if I do have a power... how the fuck would you be able to keep up? I know you're a smart alien... but so far, you've made a big... ass... mistake."

I started to advance. Ophelian watching my every move with detail. Small bolts of electricity focus on my wrist and right paw. I finally stopped moving as a chaos spear in the color of a dark red... form in my shaky paw.

Ophelian: "Oh... I'm so scared. Fighting me with the same attack I landed on Tails? Man... you people really are pathetic."

I kept looking at him, seeing how he had 5 eyes. He could look almost every which way on where I bolt off to. Thinking of ideas... I decided to do what I must. Gripping the spear in both paws as I take a deep breath. 'I need him to get down from his post next to the emerald. I need to focus on the battle, not my emotions.' Ophelian seemed to be confused, as I hold the spear at a vertical position. Pointing straight towards the ground. Taking another deep breath. I could feel the sparks coming off my quills and fur. Gritting my teeth as the rage filled me again. All the good memories that I had with Tails, they seem to all be shattered. I could feel my heart starting to race. What I could have, what I should have done... 'I'm such an idiot. I should have paid attention to the world around me. I was stuck like a deer in headlights, and that stupid mistake cost me. It cost me my brothers life. I have to fight, I will fight. No matter the love I have for the person above. I know he is a puppet right now, but I can't have him hurting another person in such a cruel manner. Just... fucking... DO IT!'

I used all my force and pushed the chaos spear into the ground. Cracking the flooring of the cavern. It was quiet for a few seconds, as Ophelian chuckled.

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