Pay Back

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(This is taking place while Sonic is back in the bed and sleeping)

Shadow POV:

I stayed up ever since Sonic went to bed, I couldn't catch a wink. I just seemed more awake now that I had a deep conversation with Sonic. I didn't think he cared that much about me after everything had happened. It seemed like I was just too caught up in my thoughts to even think about it through his eyes... the one actually going through extra trauma. I stayed in that observatory. Watching as the stars passed the ship. I knew damn well I was going to have to talk down to my leader, which was always a scary thing. And knowing things that he approves of makes my stomach turn. I sigh and walk out of the room and went downstairs. I noticed Knuckles was shivering in his sleep, so I put one of the blankets on him and let him rest. Knuckles seemed to be fine after the blanket was put on him. I then walked out of my pent house and made my way through the hallways of the ship. It was always so cold and eerie. I never knew why this ship gave me goosebumps, but it always seemed to just put me on edge. I walked into one of the bathrooms and locked the door. I knew if I wanted to get my point across with my leader... I was going to have to be harsh, maybe even more. I leaned against the counter-top, the sink right below me. Looking in the mirror, I spoke to myself... wanting to get in contact with my subconscious... Ophelian. Of course, that was a risky move... but he knew how to push all the right buttons. He also knew how to fight a lot better than I could when even in control. I take a deep breath and get into a deep head-space. It was dark inside my head, kind of like a void of some sort. I turned around to see and dark red figure with pure black eyes. The detailing on his body was faint... and it seemed like this is how he actually looked. I walked over to the figure, as it finally clicked on who it may be. I spoke in a dark tone, wanting to get through to my subconscious.

Shadow: "... Hello, Ophelian."

The figure turned around and glared at me with whatever eyes it had. It was taller than me by a couple inches. Of course, he didn't fear me, but it was the same way with me to him. I know he was strong, but I wasn't going to fall back now. Not after promising I would resolve this fucked up mess.

Ophelian: "Look who decided to come back and bother little old me..."

Shadow: "Now is not the time for your taunting bullshit, Ophelian. I need your help with something..."

Ophelian: "You want my help? How interesting... you never wanted my help till now, why is that?"

Shadow: "I need to finish fulfilling a promise."

Ophelian: "A promise? What did you promise? And who did you promise this... little ordeal to?"

It went silent for a moment, I knew I wouldn't get through to him if I spoke about Sonic. But I needed to be honest with myself if I was going to get anywhere with this.

Shadow: "I promised to fix some issues and set some innocent people free of this shitty torture. And I assured Sonic about this."

Ophelian growled, you could see his sharp jagged teeth. That was the most detailed about the figure that Ophelian kept up.

Ophelian: "Him... again?! You just don't know when to give up and let go of that blue pest."

Shadow: "He isn't a pest! He is a great hedgehog, who has done amazing things. And even though you are apart of me, you wont change a damn thought in my mind about him."

The figure growled again. It was low and demonic, it seemed like I was pushing his buttons rather than the opposite way around.

Ophelian: "And what makes you think I'd help you, after you shut me out for years!? And then blamed me for my outburst! You know you are not supposed to keep you subconscious locked up for that long like that! It wasn't my fault I did any of that."

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