Follow the Leader

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Shadow woke up after falling asleep. Realizing he had passed out while thinking about his plan. He moved and sat on the side of the bed. Rubbing his eyes as he sighed. Trying to think of something he could start the plan off with. He could just try and steadily kill Sonic, but he doesn't have the patience for that. He could just kill Sonic on the spot, yet his friends are around... and he doesn't know what Sonic fully holds inside him, power wise. Hearing someone walking up the stairs, Shadow got startled and laid back down in bed. He acted asleep until he heard the door slowly open, while it was actually Tails who had called out his name.

Tails: "Hey, Shadow. Time to get up, Knuckles and I have to leave. I don't want you thinking we just disappeared."

Shadow nodded his head and understood the situation. Tails closed the door and left Shadow to his own bidding. Shadow got up moments later and looked around the house. He wanted to learn about this culture without asking for help. He walked around the house and found a dictionary in Tails' room. He read every word, every description... from top to bottom. Learning everything he could at the moment, he left the room and acted like he had never roamed the house. Sonic eventually got up, and when Shadow saw him, he almost wanted to chuckle. Sonic's spikes were poking out. His fur was a horrid mess... and he had bags under his eyes. The ebony alien walked over to Sonic.

Shadow: "Your fur is a mess... you need to take care of it more."

Sonic shrugged, seeming to not personally care. He liked how his spikes were all over the place, as well as his fur being a mess. It gave him character. Shadow groaned as Sonic walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Shadow scoffed and went to the living room. He looked over a small manual in the end table drawer on how to use the remote and television. He then put it away right before Sonic came down. Shadow had put on some murder documentaries... wanting to learn more about their technology and what they go through to figure out who did what. Sonic thought it was weird for someone to be watching something like that. But then again, it isn't something he has an interest in... so he didn't feel like judging. He went to the kitchen while Shadow continued watching the documentaries.

When Sonic got back into the room, Shadow seemed to have already watched 15 episodes. Which seemed a bit much. He then turned off the TV, which made Shadow a bit mad... but Shadow didn't want to be reactive and lose his cool just yet.

Sonic: "I made you some food... I am not sure what you like, so I just guessed."

Shadow looked down at the food. It was hot pockets. Shadow hesitated. It didn't look appetizing... but he did want some food. He was getting decently hungry. He slowly picked up one of them and nibbled on the corner pieces. Eventually, he gets to the good part, as he slowly savored the flavor. As he finally got a good bite into it... his face lit up with joy. His pupils dialted like a cat. Staring at the food for a second, Sonic was curious about what was going on in Shadow's mind.

Shadow: "What are these called?!"

Sonic: "W-What?"

Sonic was surprised by how much he liked the food.

Shadow: "I asked what these are."

Sonic: "Oh uh, yeah... right! These are called hot pockets."

Shadow stared at the food again, taking a liking to the name as well. He seemed to be enjoying this Mobian food to a T. Sonic left the plate with Shadow to go get a drink... as he then comes back with some water. Noticing Shadow had already eaten all of the hot pockets on the plate. Sonic was a bit impressed. He sat down next to Shadow and handed him something to drink. Shadow drank it down slowly as he liked the taste of the natural element. After Shadow drank the water down... he went to the kitchen and washed the dishes. Sonic was astonished by how sweet Shadow was being. Shadow then went back to the living room and sat on the couch. After a few moments, he started to feel a bit tired. He laid his head back on the couch as Sonic put on some cartoons of his liking.

About an hour of watching these cartoons, Sonic realizes Shadow had fallen asleep. Sonic chuckled and got up, getting a blanket for his bud. Laying the blanket on Shadow as Sonic continues watching his cartoons. When all of a sudden Shadow's head slips a bit, and it lands on Sonic's shoulder. Sonic froze up a bit, looking down to see if Shadow was awake. Realizing the ebony 'hedgehog' was asleep, he let it slide. After a while, he started to feel pretty tired as well. Falling asleep not to long later, resting his head on Shadow's. The cartoons played lightly in the background as Sonic's grip was faint on the television remote.

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