22. Past and Present

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Guys, please comment and interact more 🙆🏻‍♀️ we have been updating more frequently these days so...

Song: Kichu Kichu Kotha (I request ya'll read the lyrics in this videos subtitle 😭 and then you'd want to play it on loop. Bengali songs>>>)

No voice replied from inside the room. The gloomy environment and quietness of the room scared Ashwatthama.

"I will be leaving for Panchal, again, this evening." He continued, as he entered the room. She was sat on her desk, scribbling on a parchment with her quill. Ashwatthama stood behind her, he could only make our words like, 'Kampilya' , 'panchal' , 'yajna' before she swiftly hud the paper under a big book.

"Have a safe journey." She acknowledged him, only nodding, eyes focused on the now blank desk.

"No I-....look, shivu, turn around." He caressed her head softly, voice softening aswell.
"I know it is hard for you to stay here. I know what you're going through at the- wait no, I don't but I understand....ok?" He sat on his knees, still towering her slightly but he made her look at him.

"You've always considered me as an older brother, have you not?" He asked. Niyati nodded softly. "And you're the only person I've considered family after my mother and father, have I not?"
Niyati sighed, "I don't und-"

"Then come with me. To panchal. Away from them....from him. My father will surely understand and Mata Kripi already favours you. Stop hurting yourself in the process of hurting him. You can go to Dwarka from there, if you want to." He assured her, patting her head.

"Will you stand by his side if he asks you to?" Ashwatthama stood stunned. Will he? He had given years of friendship to both the Kauravas and Pandavas.

"No. I will stand wherever my father does." He said.

"And if Guru Dron stands by his side?"

"I, stand by righteousness, truth, dharma. Even if it is someone extremely close to me, if i fail to better them, i'll not stand by them. Not even my own brother. And just because it's hard for me, I will not run away. The moment I leave, Bhrata Ashwatthama, he'll ascent to the throne and that.....will end everything. Still it's the path for his well-being that I am fighting in.... I can't."

"Don't take all the responsibilities on your shoulder. Give him a chance, maybe he'll....be a good Yuvraj?"

Niyati stared into distance before sighing, "Alright. I'll go to Panchal, with you. Away from all this chaos. I need a break."

"My nephew Yudhishthir, he was the oldest among all of the Kuru princes. He was... supposed to be the Yuvraj and the heir to the throne but...." Dritarashtra stopped, wondering for one last time if it is the right decision. The court stood filled with royal courtesans and more. The royal family sat in an elevated area. The princes and officials sat on their thrones below the King's and Pitamaha's.

"But....we lost him. Hence, in this case, we will be crowning the next in line, that is, my son, Rajkumar Duryo-"

"Wait, Putra." Bhishma stood up.

Duryodhan sighed, although not very delighted previously as he was still beating himself up for where he went wrong and how he may have been the reason for the death of his own sister, he was still waiting for this. The throne has been his goal all these years, despite whatever Shivanya said. He had been waiting for this announcement. Now that the Pandavas were out of the way, finally he could've gotten what he wanted. But ofcourse not, the old hag had to interfere.

"It is untrue that Yudhishthir is the oldest in this family." He announced, eliciting a huge buzz of conversation around the court.

Karn and Ashwatthama shared a look, the former paling at the confused anger that was brewing on his bestfriend's face.

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