Chapter 25 - Let's Swim

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"Awesome!" Leo and Brandon fist-bumped as soon as the announcer finished saying that the afternoon classes were to be cancelled because of some seminar the teachers were required to attend.

Nichole and I cheered ourselves, bumping our chests the hard way like the guys always did. Only, we forgot we had boobs. And it hurt.

"Ow," I said, slowly hugging my chest with my arms. Nichole nodded, doing the same.

"We are so not doing that again."

We saw Brandon and Leo staring at us weirdly. Brandon, having an unexplainable look on his face, as if he was supressing his laughter, and Leo, managed to present his own version of a pedophile's smile.

"Get away creep," Nichole said. Leo quickly put an arm around her and guided her to the pool.

"You girls can watch us practice today," Leo said, peering over his shoulder as they continued to walk forward, away from us. Brandon and I looked at each other.

"Can we?" I asked. He nodded.

"You're finally gonna see my awesome side." I laughed quietly. He took my hand and pulled me to the same direction Nichole and Leo were heading.

I didn't see the point of holding hands, but I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all.


When we entered the gym, huge splashes of water could already be heard and incoherent shouts were echoing throughout the place. As soon as our presences were made known, a group of guys went up to us, sending knowing grins to Brandon and Leo.

"Hey slackers," a tall, tanned guy approached us. "Why'd you bring your chicks here today?"

Before Leo could reply, Nichole and I stepped forward out of instinct. We didn't really plan on it, but we said the same thing at the same time. "Chicks my ass."

We looked at each other quite surprised, and then we burst out laughing. She gave me a high-five as the guys followed our laughter.

The tanned guy then gave Nichole a funny smile. "I was kidding Nic." Then he looked at me. "Oh. Hey."

"Hey," I replied shortly. It was my first time being here, so I understand why he didn't know me. Nichole, on the other hand, had been here a few times because of Leo, so no wonder the guys were already familiar with her.

Brandon came up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Guys, this is Mira."

I hid a smile when he introduced me to his team mates. I don't know. I just felt giddy. Ugh. Such a girl I am.

They all smiled at me and to be honest, I was having a hard time returning the smile. Well, they were all shirtless and wet from hair to foot. There's no denying their bodies were fit for swimming too.

A guy with blonde hair suddenly raised his arms and gestured to all of me. "Boys, here stands the sole reason for Brandon's many, many absences."

A deep chorus of laughter filled the gym as Brandon nudged his arm. "Knock it off."

"We actually already know you, Miss Mira Jadsen," another guy came up, flashing me a business-like (or Cheshire-like) smile, though his eyes were twinkling of playfulness. "You're pretty popular for beating people up."

I wanted to hide. Oh God. I had this bad a reputation at school? Brandon chuckled, and then followed everybody, including Nichole.

"Our best friend, boys!" Leo mockingly announced, dodging a swift kick from me - which just added to their amusement. This is so embarrassing. My sole existence is embarrassing. I want to dig a hole and hide in one.

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