Chapter 27 - Chicken or Potato?

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I could hear faint sounds as I struggled to open my eyes. My head ached when I realized that some kind of light was directly, unpleasantly shining on my face.

I groaned while wrinkling forehead, my nose and my mouth - making the ugliest face but who cares. It kinda helped ease the throbbing. Or, well, I just did it for dramatic effect.

"Turn off the lights," I said to no one in particular. I wasn't expecting a reply. I was just out of it, and I wanted more sleep. I don't even remember anything. How did I get to my bed? Wait. Is this even my bed?

"Mira?" A sweet, warm voice called my name in such a tender way. I squinted at the sight before my bed.


She smiled at me as she held my forehead. Mom's hand was so warm. Her hands were so soft. I held her hand on my forehead and smiled. I miss mom. Her presence alone was so comforting. Is this a dream?

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked, purely nothing but concern on her tone. I shook my head slowly. She sighed. Then she looked at me worriedly. "I heard you met your father yesterday."

My eyes shot open. I remember. Oh yeah. That happened. I sighed heavily, taking my mom's hand and burying my face under her palm like a spoiled kid. "Yeah."

My mom's soft scent filled my nostrils with so much nostalgia and familiarity. I can't believe she's here. I can't believe she made time for me even when she was so busy. She definitely is the best.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to kick his ass for you sweety," she said, strictly. I hid a giggle. That's my mom. "Brandon told me everything. I feel horrible for you, and I'm resisting the urge to call your father and tell him not to bother you in any way again. Tell me what you want to do Mira."

I was quiet for a while, thinking.

"I don't know," I replied. "I don't want to run away from him mom. I want to face him. And when I do next time, I just want to face him with a smile. Prove we're doing damn well without him."

My eyes closed and I was slowly drifting into fluffy wonderland. I wanted to use my mom's hand as a pillow but I understand she had to let go sometime soon.

"Okay, if that's what you want," she sighed, sounding a bit reluctant. "But tell me if he does anything to you. Anything. You know I won't hesitate to give him my infamous Paige Kick."

This time, I laughed out loud. My mom is so awesome. "Thanks, mom."

"Oh and by the way," she added, fixing my hair and pinching my cheeks gently on the process. "It was Brandon who carried you here back in your room. I was surprised when he called me using your number. He sounded so panicked and all - such an adorable boy. I'm happy you met a nice guy who's always protecting you. I trust him."

Brandon? Panic? I recalled his various expressions on various occassions I got myself in trouble. Not surprising at all, but definitely, definitely adorable.

"We're not dating mom," I clarified just in case she got the wrong idea. She gave me a look of disapproval.

"Why not?"

I shook my head, not knowing how to reply. "Well, it's complicated..."

Mom stared at me for a bit and I discreetly tried to cover my face with my blanket. My face was getting hot.

"You like him, don't you?" She asked. Well, more like stated. She looked like she already knew the answer to that question, but still needed to hear my say anyway.

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