Chapter 1

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FlowerGirl created "Uppermoons GC"

FlowerGirl- HI EVERYONE!

BabyYorichii-Daki WTF is this group

WomanEatingMachine- Daki my dear what is this group?

FlowerGirl- It's a GC

OniChan- Ok nice but for what?

Tiger- And for what Group Chats are?

BasketBall- Yea it's clear for what it is Gyutaro

BiwaLady- TF is going on?

Coward- TF IS THIS SHIT!?- Sekido

UglyPotFish- Sekido STFU

Coward- Sorry for Sekido- Azeitsu

DemonKing- Stop spamming and what is this shit?

TrainLover- IDK Master

Tiger- Who TF is this?

TrainLover- I'm Enmu! Lowermoon 1

Onichan- Sis TF Lowermoon is doing here?

FlowerGirl- I wanted to add only Rui but he said if I want to add him then I need to add Enmu

Basketball- Who the fuck is Rui

MuzansFavSpider- I'm Rui. I'm lower 5

Basketball- Why TF your name is "MuzansFavSpider"?

MuzansFavSpider- BC I'm his Fav lowermoon

WomanEatingMachine- Muzan-sama that's true?

DemonKing- Yes that's true

BabyYorichii- I thought that you hate Lowermoons

DemonKing- Yea but I just like Rui's combat skills

FlowerGirl- Then why he's rank is Lower 5?

MuzansFavSpider- BC I just didn't fight in Blood Battles for now.

WomanEatingMachine- Oh that's explaining everything

DemonKing- Yea clearly

Basketball- Can u 2 lowermoons send photos of you?

TrainLover- Of course~

TrainLover sends a pucture

TrainLover sends a pucture

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TrainLover- That's me

OniChan- U look cool

MuzansFavSpider sends a picture

MuzansFavSpider sends a picture

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MuzansFavSpider- That's me

WomanEatingMachine- You can create theaths?

MuzansFavSpider- Yes

WomanEatingMachine- That's so cool! :D

MuzansFavSpider- THX

TrainLover deteles message

MuzansFavSpider- o//////o

WomanEatingMachine- Enmu chill

DemonKing- Ok go to sleep everyone

WomanEatingMachine- Akaza-Dono!~

Basketball- What?

WomanEatingMachine- Can you come to my room? PLS

Basketball- Ok but when

WomanEatingMachine- Now

Basketball- OK IG

WomanEatingMachine is offline

Basketball is offline

DemonKing-  K enough of this shit now everyone go to bed

MuzansFavSpider- Yes Master

Everyone went offline

Enmu's deteled message: Stay TF away from my lil lovely spider u bastard bitch


Guys sorry for every word/grammar mistake that I'll make but I'm not from any english speaking country, as I said in my other book.

BTW If you want u can also read my other KNY book named "Friendship and love between a demon and a demon slayer" :D It contains my fictional characters in it and my ships.

Good day/night :D

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