Chapter 7

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Private chat with BoarHead and BlueButterfly

BoarHead- AOI!!!!

BlueButterfly- What?

BoarHead- I need to ask u smth

BlueButterfly- Yes I will cook u tempura.

BoarHead- What? NO!

BlueButterfly- Then what? U always ask me only that

BoarHead- I wanna invite u somewhere

BlueButterfly- Where and when?

BoarHead- Where it's a suprise, today

BlueButterfly- K what time?

BoarHead- IDK in 2 hours?

BlueButterfly- K

BoarHead- I'll wait for you outside the mansion :>

BlueButterfly- K

BlueButterfly- Bye

BoarHead- Bye :>

No one's pov


-Daki- Concrats!

-Inosuke- Ok half of job done

-Daki- I would tell that 1 from 4 part of job is done

-Nakime- yea I'll agree

-Inosuke- So what now?

-Mukago- Now we need to get the place ready

-Inosuke- K

inosuke, Mukago, Daki and Nakime walked for a while, until they reached the forest. They went inside it, to look for some romantic spot. They were searching for a while. After like 5 minutes, they found a perfect spot. It was a cliff with a beautiful viev to the moon. Mukago collected some flowers, Daki made a blanket where Inosuke and Aoi could seat. Meanwhile Nakime and Inosuke were collecting some eatable food for them, and since Inosuke grew in mountains, he knew what food isn't poisonous. After everything was ready, all 4 went to buy Aoi's some flowers. While walking, Daki gave Inosuke some clues what to do during meeting with her. They bought flowers, and they stood for a moment. Inosuke checked the hour. IN ! MINUTE THE MEETING WAS! There was no chance of him getting to the manshion that quickly, so Nakime took her Biwa and teleported Inosuke outside the manshion. He waited a moment, and he saw Aoi. She was in her blue demon slayer corp uniform. 

Inosuke's POV

I saw Aoi coming out the manshion. I was a bit scared. What if she'll reject my feelings? but my dad said that I won't die or smth, so I'll be fine. He knows that heartbroken hurts, but not that much as dying or wisteria poison. IDK what pain is dying, same as wisteria poison, but he knows better since he's a demon. 

-Ok Inosuke.- Aoi spoke- We can g- W- what's....that?

-Flowers.. for you. -I said

-Thx. I love them.

She took the flowers, as I said to her to follow me. We were walking peacefully. We had a very nice chat. I wanted to tell her already what I feel fowards her, but I decided to wait... BUT HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I TELL HER THAT I HAVE A DEMON FAMILY?!?! I completly forgot to tell her that I'm a step child of uppermoon 2, and the fact that I have 2 step demon siblings. Oh god.... But I can do it.... I just.... first need to confess.... later slowly tell her that. After 30 minutes we arrived at the spot.

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