Chater 16

165 3 2

Idea was my brothers so if it not makes sence, then say it to me, bc I had no idea for a chapter + I like TADC :)

Again not group chat XD


Douma's pov

I was at my room, just sitting and thinking abt life(literly me when I'm bored XD: autor), when I was teleported to some kind of colourfull playground. With me there were also Akaza-dono, Muzan-sama, Kokushibo, Daki, Nakime, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Inosuke and Aoi.

-Nakime where r we?- I asked

-IDK- she said- I wanted to teleport everyone to the meeting platform but we got teleported here

-U wanted to teleport me and Inosuke-kun?- Aoi asked

-No- said Nakime

-What r u doing here?

We turned around. We saw a doll in blue skirt with blue ribbon, but she didn't had one eye, but a blue button, a girl is blue-red jester outfit, a purple bunny and a flying toy teeth with 2 eyes and a body. We were confused, same as them.

-Wait...- The jester girl said- you're.... form the human world?

-Yes, this isn't a human world?- I asked

-No. This is the Amaizing Digital Circus!- The weird guy said

-Nakime where the f*beep* u teleported us. Huh?- Muzan-sama said

-No swearing is allowed here- The weirdo said

-ARE U KIDDING ME?!- Akaza-dono screamed

-Ur not able to call me weird names ad least :)- I said

-What names?- The doll girl asked

-He calles me like b*beep*rd, a*beep*, b*beep*h, s*beep*, and IG that all...... If it is....

-Wow he must really hate u

-Nah he loves me :)

-DOUMA S*beep* THE F*beep* UP!- he screamed at me

-Akaza- Kokushibo said- Respect higher ranks

-Higher ranks?- the jester girl asked

-Well....- Daki spoke- We're not humans..... but demons

-W-What?!- The bunny screamed- AREN'T DEMONS JUST A STORY TO SCARE KIDS?!

-No they're real- Inosuke spoke- All of them are demons, exept me and the girl with these butterfly hairpins. Plus on your place I would be quiet bc heres the demon king also.

-Oh great we'll die.-The doll girl spoke

-Nope none of you'll die- Akaza spoke- I won't eat anyone same as otehrs, plus I'll stick with Douma so he won't kill and of u girls since he's a woman eating machine. Litterly.

-Who's Douma?- The jester girl asked

-I'm Douma- I spoke

-Oh. I'm Pomni then

-I'm Ragatha- The doll girl spoke

-I'm Jax- The bunny spoke

-I'm Caine- The weirdo spoke

-Noce to meet u all~ - I said pointing at Akaza- That's Akaza, the girl with biwa is Nakime, the one with white-green hair is Daki, the one with green-black hair is Gyutaro, next to him is Kaigaku, The one with six eyes is Kokushibo, next to him is Muzan-sama, the black-blue hair boy is Inosuke, and the girl next to him is Aoi.

-cool.-Ragatha spoke


K I'm too lazy to type more + I have no more ideas to type :)

U can give me suggestions since IDK will I get anything XD

BTW who's ur fav character? Mine Pomni and Ragatha

IG that I'll put in the next one Jax x Ragatha bc I don't ship Pomni :)

I know that I'll do on 700 views! I'll tell u some of my funny school stories or one's from my life :)

If u have any other ideas u can write me a request for it :)

Wow 1st FNAF, now TADC, I wonder what next XD

Good day / night :) 

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