Wow XD

186 6 15

wow 2nd time I almost couln't update bc my mom took my computer away XD

BTW we're at 411 views wow how's that possible? But Promise is a promise so I'm telling u my country. But before I'll tell I'll give ya'll some hints

1. It's an european country.

2. It wasn't on the map for 123 years.

3. It was the first country to defeat Russia, by taking it's capital, Moscow (No it's not France bc Napoleon took Moscow when it wasn't a capital)

4. It had war on 2 fronts.

5. It was a very strong country in 17th century

U know or not? If not here's the aswer.....


Yes I'm from Poland and that's the main reason why I said "Sorry for all grammar mistakes" :)

BTW IG that I'll give u some info abt me :)

I can speak Polish, English, some German, a bit of Japanesee and Latin (not the janguage that's used in Latva because that's Latvian/ Lettsish but that's how google trasnlated that XD )

the new nickname that I got is from my roblox username, but my gacha OC's name is Hoshi Aishi

I play roblox, Yandere Simulator, (where I got S rank and now I'm trying to get S+), Genshin Impact, and IG that's all

I learned to respect all ship, and the one that I hated I think that they're weird XD

I create sometimes some weird theories ike the one that Cyan and Yellow rom rainbow friends are kids of Purple and Orange :)

The 1st DouAka ship video I watched about 5-4 months ago, and the 1st Enmu x Rui like 2-3 months ago, and it was in Spanish

I had 2 crushes, which leaded to 2 times heartbreak

I have 2 pet fish

I was Straight Ally at the beggining of the year, but now I'm Asexual :)

IDK what I can add more XD

I hope that u had nice time reading this book, because I'm ending it




I won't end this book yet bc I can't do it for your sake of reading this book :)

BTW I want to say abt this book that more females read this book than males + ages from 13-18 and 18-25 are the same precents. Also Ad least 1 country from each 7 continents are reading this book. Yes, I checked it on my map. The countries that are reading this book are:

USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Argentine, Ghana, Cameroon, UAE, POLAND, Slovakia, German, UK, India, Indoneesia, Malaysia, Phillipines and Australia. And all of these give 100% readers from this book. :)

BTW fun fact:

I create as often as it rains on Sahara chapters for my future books, that IDK ABT giving them here XD

THX for 400+ views, we're going for 700 views now, and IDK what I'll do for it XD

Good day/ night :)

Sorry I made a mistake bc from 6 continents bc no one lives on Antarctica XD

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