Chapter 17

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-Soo..... If I good understand..... U got here by an accident?- Asked Pomni

-Yea.... Pretty sure abt that- Said Gyutaro

We were in this place called "The Amaizing Digital Circus" for over 3 hours, and it was boring as fuck. Seriously, even being fucked by any other demon that's not Akaza-dono is more interesting than being here. Only stupid colorful blocks, playgrounds and bubbles all over this entire place. Ugh.... when we'll be back to the infinity castle?! I just wanna do anything that's fun, not only to sit in this endless pit forever.

-I'm F*beep* off- I said- I'm bored as f*beep* and there's nothing interesting to do, so I'm off

-Same- said Akaza- I'm coming with you

-K Akaza-dono!- I said, as we went away from others

Daki's pov

It's soo boring in here! Seriously minutes felt like hours, hours like years! I thought that we were here for 1000 years, when we were here just for over 3 hours! UGH! I wanna do anything just to take my mind off. Why it's soo boring? I fell bad for everyone that's here. I don't wanna know how they exist here. I saw how Naki-Chan was just sitting doing nothing , since Muzan-sama and Kokushibo-sama took her biwa to try to fix it and see if everything is okay with it, so we all can go home. I decided to go and to talk to her.

-Hi Naki-Chan! What r u doing?- I said to her

-Nothing- She replyied- I'm super bored

-Wanna hang out then?


She got up and we went anywhere. We went so the area where were some kind of rooms. There were a lot of them, but some had characters that had X on them. We were confused.

-JAX?! WHAT R U DOING?!- We heard Ragatha scream

We decided to check it, since we were curious. We opened doors with Ragatha's picture on it, and we saw Jax to kiss Ragatha. We were suprised. We just closed the doors quietly, as we opened.

- That was unexpected- Naki-chan said as we got far enough so they couldn't hear us

-Yea I can agree- I said

- I thought that things like that are inaproved here



-Yes Naki-chan?

In that moment she kissed me. I was happy as always whenever she kised me. Besides Gyutaro and Douma before I meet Inosuke and I was with Naki-chan, no one besides them protected me or took care of me. When I knew that Naki-chan loves and cares abt me I was happy, since she was the only uppermoon besides my family to care abt me.

-Nakime, come here- We heard Muzan-sama's voice.

We came to Master and Kokushibo-sama, and we saw them snanding with Naki-Chan's biwa

-It had broken string so we gave it a new one- Muzan-sama spoke- Now can u teleport us back home?

-Yes master- She spoke

She took her biwa and she played on it one note, and all the uppermoons that were in this shit hole, Inosuke and Aoi got back to the infinity castle.

-FINALLY!- I heard dad scream

-Now I give u all free time bc of this- I heard Master spoke

-Thank u master- All of the uppermoons spoke

-Dad- I heard Inosuke spoke to dad

-Yes?- Douma said

-Can we go out?

-sure. Nakime, may u teleport me and Inosuke out?

With one stung of her biwa dad and Inosuke were gone

-Daki wanna hang out with Nakime?- Aoi asked me

-Sure! Naki-chan agreed?- I asked

-yes, I spoke with her before u took her

-K then let's go to my room


-Naki-chan! Let's go to my room! We can hand out there!

-K- she said, as she played one note on her biwa, when me, Aoi and Naki-chan got teleported to my room


Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I had some "issues" :)

BTW I got requested for a book after the voting ended, but I'll still make it but IDK when XD But I'll :)

That feeling when ur trying to update for a book and your lil sibling wants to play with u not letting u finish XD

PLS give chapter ideas bc I'm out of them ;(

Send help XD

I'm rll weird bc one time I said that I know what I'll made on 700 views, then I'm writing that IDK what XD

Good day/ night :)

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