Chapter 21

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Jackson- DOUMA!

WomanEatingMchine- TF did I do?!

Jackson- That

Jackson sends an image(sorry but all Douma x Kokushibo were JPEG not PNG, but here should be a Douma x Kokushibo one where they are kissing)

WomanEatingMachine- Kokushibo-Dono shouldn't u detele that?~ :)

BabyYoriichi- I did......

LilMichikatsu- Aniue? W. T. F.

Basketball- Douma if u don't want me to kill ur fuckin ass explain

WomanEatingMachine- Let me explain and u'll know

LilMichikatsu, Jackson and Basketball- Then explain

WomanEatingMachine- Kokushibo-dono is my ex 

The mad trio(sorry I just had XD)- WHAT?!

WomanEatingMachine- It was like 100 years ago. I was back then upper 6. He confest to me a day after I saved Daki and Gyutaro. I was too kind, so I accepted them. We were a couple for some time. But after like 6 months, he started to ignore me. After another 6 months, he broke up with me, giving a reason, that I'm weak and usseles............... I had a mental breakdown bc of that for a while....

Jackson- That's the reason u fought with the past uppermoon 2?

WomanEatingMachine- Yes. After I came an upper 2, I wasn't talking to him for a lot, but after Daki and Gyutaro I slowly started to talk to him. But abt that photo, it's over 100 years old(it was a photo token by an old camera, and then send to Koku's phone, pls don't ask me idk how old stuff work XD), I saw it on his phone when we were training, it poped in a notyfication, and I just saw it. I ofc told him to detele it, but now I see he didn't.

BabyYoriichi- I did, IDK how Muzan-sama got it.

Jackson- I went thou ur phone, and I saw it, so I send it to myself, deteled the message but I copied the photo, so I had it to get an answer. But since it's solved, I'll detele it.

WomanEatingMachine- Thx Muzan-sama

Jackson- Now all of u go to sleep.

LilMichikatsu- May I do smth before?

Jackson- If u wanna change my name to Michael Jackson, IDGAF(he means I Don't Give  A Fuck)

LilMichikatsu changes 2 nicknames

Sun- Aniue type pls smth

Moon- Why?

Moon- Why my name is moon?

Sun- It suits you :)

Moon- THX IG

Jackson- May we all go to sleep now?

Everyone- Yes Muzan-sama

Everyone exept Basketball and WomanEatingMachine are offline

Basketball- Douma?

WomanEatingMachine- Yes Akaza-dono?

Basketball- May I do smth?

WomanEatingMachine- Sure

Basketball changes a nickname

My_Idiot- ?

My_Idiot- Akaza-dono? Why u changed my name in to that

Basketball- I just think it's better -////-

My_Idiot- AWWW! THX AKAZA-DONO! (^///^)

Basketball- Can we cuddle?

My_Idiot- Sure!

Basketball and My_Idiot are offline


Akaza changed Douma's nickname, bc he felt a bit sad bc of Douma's heartbreak


I have 1 more chapter idea, but that for tomorow :)

In Poland we have 2 christmases(IDK will it be like that), because 1 on 6th of December, and it's a Santa Claus, and on 24th of December, we have a celebration of Jesus's born :)

Yea, Poland is a very religional country :)

PLS request chapter ideas :)

Good day / night :)

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