Chapter 19

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POV: Me being asleep

That one idea for a chapter at 3AM: Hola ninio!

Me: AHHHHH!!!!!


MistBoy- hey I wanted to ask SMTH

WomanEatingMachine- Sure. Ask freely

MistBoy- Can I add my step brother and his GF

LilMichikatsu- Sure

Jackson- NO! It's already enough that here is my trauma giver + other slayers

Jackson is offline

LilMichikatsu- ?


BabyYoriichi- Muzan STFU

LilMichikatsu- Aniue what R U doing?

BabyYoriichi- I'm gonna fuck Muzan bc he always says no + he's our family, and I told him if he'll say again no to adding someone I'll fuck him :)

LilMichikatsu- NO!

BabyYoriichi- WHy?

LilMichikatsu- No I mean u 2 make him not be able to walk, and if you'll agree, u can fuck him

BabyYoriichi- K I'll make him not be able to walk :)

BabyYoriichi is offline

MistBoy- So I can add or no?

RockHead- yes add them

MistBoy- K then

MistBoy adds DeadCalm and PoisonButterfly

DeadCalm- ?

PoisonButterfly- Ara~ Ara~ What's that place?

FlowerGirl- ad least Muzan-sama won't be mad... for now XD

DeadCalm- Muzan-sama ?!

WomanEatingMachine- Yes + if u wanna ask who I am I'm Douma. Yes I remember u Shinobu + it's an uppermoon GC + If u wanna say anything Muichiro dared Akaza to fuck me bc I killed your sister, so yea u got revenge. Kinda

PoisonButterfly- 1. Muzan is here? 2. What?! 3. Good u remember me 4. Why r we here? 5. Really?

WomanEatingMachine- 1. Yes, but he's getting fucked by uppermoon 1 Kokushibo. 2. Ys I'm Douma. 4. Ur here bc Muichiro added u here, and he's here bc Aoi added them, and Aoi is here bc Inosuke added her, and Inosuke is here bc I added him bc he's my step son. 5. Really. U can ask Akaza-dono. And Muichiro

PoisonButterfly- U can't count?

WomanEatingMachine- I can, just u didn't asked a question in 3, so I only answered these questions.

PoisonButterfly- 1st of all, why uppermoon 1 is fucking the demon king, 2nd Inosuke ur his step son, 3rd Aoi is here

Basketball- BC Muzan-sama and Kokushibo are lovers + Kokushibo is the top, and Muzan sama is bottom.. Yes If ur shocked we were also when we knew that.

BoarHead- Yes I'm his step son. I mean, I called him dad when I was younger + he took care of me, bc my mom ran away from my father bc he was abusing my mom

BlueButterfly- Yes, Kanao is here 2

PoisonButterfly- K. BTW Basketball ur Akaza? I mean, I'm just trying to guess

Basketball- Yes, I am

DeadCalm- U rll fucked Douma?

Basketball- Yes, I mean, Muichiro dared me that, bc as Douma said, he dared me that bc he killed ur sister and ur his step brothers GF

PoisonButterfly- K thx Mui and Akaza-san. BTW, IG that I can forgive u Douma. BUT. U can't kill any of my alive sisters, or anyothe that I care abt. Got that?

WomanEatingMachine- My name is fuckin WOMANEATINGMACHINE, so it means that I ONLY eat females + I won't

PoisonButterfly- K then I forgive u. But I'll still remember that

WomanEatingMachine- K thx Shinobu.

BiwaLady- K can we just all go to sleep? I'm tired as fuck.

FlowerGirl- K. Can we cuddle ad least?

BiwaLady- Sure. I'll come

FlowerGirl- YAY!

Basketball- can we just all go to sleep?

everyone online- sure

Everyone is offline

Private chat with Akaza and Douma

Basketball- Douma?

WomanEatingMachine- Yes Akaza-dono? U didn't went to sleep?

Basketball- No I didn't. I sumply can't fall asleep.

WomanEatingMachine- Then y r u typing to me?

Basketball- I wanted to ask.....

Basketball- Can.... we......

Basketball- Cuddle?

WomanEatingMachine- Akaza-dono OFC we can! U don't need to be scared of asking me. I'll always agree

Basketball- THX Douma.

WomanEatingMachine- I'm coming to u. K?

Basketball- L

WomanEatingMachine and Basketball are offline


K since now I WON'T post any chapter with anything written like "PLS help I have no Idead", I just won't update untill I'll have one :)

But still u can request on that chapter "Help" :)

How I reached 854 views in less than a month? Wow I'm stuned and shocked :)

I'm crying now with tears of happiness :')

Good day / night :)

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