THX ^v^

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It's been 2 days since I last updated.............


THX y'all for this ^v^

So I said that Imma rate KNY YT'bers, so here we go

Imma give name and my opinion + rate.

But first Imma start with 1 I found some time ago

so Imma also tell do I hate on her or I don't

So yea, here we go!


Emily Kocho

So do I hate her or don't?

Here's the answer............

I don't

Okay, some people may be mad or suprised, but IDC abt that, I just don't hate.

So if someone doesn't know who Emily Kocho is, then here's quick explanaishon(Sorry if smth like that doesn't exist or bad spelling XD)

Emily Kocko is a YT'ber on YT, she's 26 YO, a Unicorn Pillar, strongest hashira, Jackson's crush, Shinobu's and Kanao's older sis, with blonde-pink hair, pink eyes with star pupils, pink butterfly hairpin, with long finger nails, light pink haori,  & she has crush on Muichiro(Nah jit trippin).

So you may imagine how she looks, and if not, just search on YT Emily Kocho.

So okay, my opinion on her is like................. 6/10

Hear me out.

First of all, I have an OC somewhere in my universe that I have in my head( but no book will be abt that, unless u want), and she's there also the strongest but she's a Uppermoon, stronger than Muzan(but she's same strong as Yoriichi............ IG but idk XD) so do not ask. so that's Ok that she's stronger so that's +

She's just Shinobu's reecolor, so that's -

She's Shinobu's and Kanao's older sis, and I made my OC Douma's lil sis, so that's + abt her that she made herself their sister.

She ships her with Mui, so  that's + bc I shipped myself with Mui, but after In found GenMui I started to ship her with Rui

Just the fact thhat she's 26 and mui is 14 is SUPER BAD and it needs FBI, so if she could make Mui like 24 or 28 or herself 12 it would be ok

so yea, on to the next YT'ber



My rate is 10/10

she's a girl(I saw in 1 of her vids) and she's nice

she ships DouAka, SaneGiyuu and IzuRen(as IK bc she made a vid that her fav ships react to their ships). I REALLY like Douma's and Akaza's desine, it's just epic.

So she's rll good

Here's a link to her channel, if u wanna watch some of her vids

just IDK will u be able to click on it ivi

next one


•𝗥𝘅𝘀𝗲.— !

I give her 11/10

Her art tallent is super cool, I love it

She make's DouAka vids, and some KNY vids also as I saw & she makes some trends, like the trend "It burns, Burns, BURNS!" With Daki and Nezuko

Here's the link

next one


Naya Chanちは

I give her 9/10

She makes KNY vids, and she only uses canon ships(IG I can call it like that XD), for example HakuKoyu(Hakuji x Koyuki or Akaza x Koyuki however u want)

She also makes cool vids

but my fav is the one where female DS walks praying for a weak demon and then she looks behind her and sees Douma with a creepy smile ^v^

He was adorable I won't lie 

He looks just like when a girl made my lil brother making him to cry

Here's the link

next one


★𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙸𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘★

She has just 3 vids as I saw, but i rate her 10/10

In desc she says that her fav ship id DouAka, and it'll be in most of her vids

So that's all I can say :)

here's the link




Yea that's the name


I rate 11/10

She ships DouAka(mostly ig XD) and her art style is just epic :)

I enjoy her/his vids (IDk the gender) and they're epic

one of her/his vids is that Douma and Akaza can't touch each other, but at the end they finally could ^v^

Here link




I give her 10/10

She make's KNY vids

she made an OC and she ships her with Kyojuro

She also made modern AU, where Genya and Muichiro r married and they have kids :D

Here link

Last one


🌸Nezuko-Chaaaan (Emi)🌸

I give her 11/10

she makes KNY vids

In her ships we can find Enmu x Muzan, Douma x Akaza and Zenitsu x Nezuko. They're more of them, but I just said example ships :D

She made next generation of these ships aka. her kids (IDK can I use aka here XD)



that's all of rating KNY YT'bers

on 4K Imma rate KNY ships :)

I hope u enjoyed

pls request questions for Q&A, bc it's ending in 4 days (the requesting)

I have 2 ideas for chapter, so in next days Imma do them

one of it was requested by Delia1794 

to make them react to SaneGiyuu photos, so I'll make it :)

Good day / night :)

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